Bodies- The exhibition

I saw it in Arlington, VA a couple weeks back...back in July. I liked the whole human skin suit. It was so awesome. I want one sooo badly (apart from my own lol) The fetuses were cool as well as the blood vessel of that whole guy. It was awesome. That whole room was cool.
Pshaw... Thats so not fair when we learned about the human body in school we had to smell embalming fluid and chop through body parts. Let me tell you cutting through a dead person that has been preserved with dull scalpels isn't easy. Kids now days have it so nice.
The humans were for college.

Your lucky in highs school we got dead cats that were completely intact we had to skin them before we even dissected them. We didn't even really have the right tools, I had the pleasure of chopping a cats tail off with hedge clippers. What was worse is they told us that they were cats from the humane society that had to be put down because no one claimed them or adopted them. I don't know if it was true but they seemed pretty serious about it.
what is missing from this picture?



I saw this cat last year on Corfu. My first cat had almost the same colors like this.
Yup, it disturbed the hell out of me... I kept thinking I was dissecting some poor little girls kitty that got lost and couldn't get home so they put it down.

I went to school in Mankato, MN...