bodom getting trendy


May 28, 2003
it's over folks, I just saw over at hot topic (where rich kid posers buy goth crap) and they are selling bodom t-shirts. the 14 year olds are running to get them
yeah it's a catch 22, you want them to get the support and respect they deserve, but you also want them to stay underground and "the best unknown band".
i better not see some little posers wearing them acting all "tr00" and "goth" just cuz they have bodom shirts...

but we do know the bodom boys will stay true to the fans that backed them from the beginning; for the music not because of their growing fame
dethfire said:
yeah it's a catch 22, you want them to get the support and respect they deserve, but you also want them to stay underground and "the best unknown band".
yeah they deserve the recognition and the money from merchandise. but theres always a coolness factor to knowing u listen to the best fucking band ever w/o it being by ruined by 14 y/o goth losers
Venymous said:
yeah they deserve the recognition and the money from merchandise. but theres always a coolness factor to knowing u listen to the best fucking band ever w/o it being by ruined by 14 y/o goth losers
whatever guys. i totally understand the whole elitist viewpoint where everyone wants the bands they like to stay small and underground but i honestly wish every band as much success as they can get. sure, with that comes some bad side effects but fuck it man, i wish COB all the success in the world. i want these guys to be able to make a living off what they're doing so that they'll stick around as long as possible.
i love how anybody who buys a CoB shirt at hottopic is a "poser". youre all a bunch of stereotyping dicks.... not everyone is a "mall-goth poser" like you all seem to think.... in fact, most people aren't. Nobody's gonna buy a CoB shirt because its "the cool thing to do".
Goddamn Sunlapse, almost every single post I've seen of yours is you crying about how you hate sterotypes. Get over it, people dont like Hot Topic or posers.

Anyways, I think I've figured out why bands like Bodom, and others like Iced Earth and Blind Guardian and Arch Enemy can be found at Hot Poser. They're all Century Media bands in the US and Century Media is trying to branch out get a wider fanbase, they've stocked some non cool unmentionable bands in their distro catalog as well. With the success of Lacuna Coil for them they're trying to find another group to have a moderate success story with as well so they're pushing the bands they think can break it. And for the record, no I do not wish to see a Bodom shirt in the Hot Poser store at the mall here. And also for the record, I still have utmost faith that Bodom will not pull an In Flames and fag out on us, ever. The guys seem to love the music that they play too much and dont seem like the bunch that would think dreadlocks, jumping up and down and telling the crowd to "jumpdafuckup" are cool.

What the fuck is so wrong with hot topic carrying CoB merch?

I bought my Iced Earth Horror Show tshirt there. Fine by me at least I can just go up to the mall and buy the shit I want without having to wait 2 weeks and pay shipping if I get it online.
I got a Blind Guardian, Nile, Cannibal Corpse, and Opeth shirt there. Why is it so wrong? Who gives a fuck, it's easier to get a shirt and it's fair prices...but oh no don't let those poseur 14 year olds get the shirts, THE METAL UNDERGROUND IS DYING. Just shut the fuck up. I'm happy for Bodom's success, and so should all of you. The ignorant ones should be ashamed of themselves.
what a fucking queer qand a half...the metal underground is dying myT ass whT A POSER FAG YOU ARE. go listern to your slipknot you dicksucking shit fucker. bodom wont sell out because i fucking said so end of fucking story you trend riding fags. get a fucking nutsack. fuck hot topic fuck teenagers and fuck you. i hope you die soon. it will maKE THE WORLD BETTER YOIU [PARASITES. im so mertal fuck you. fuck all of you. you dont have a fucking cock to stand on. none of you know shit about metal otherwise you wouldnt be bitching about this stupid shit. i hope some my pals kills you ytou pansy fags. fuck the fuck off. if you dont like my language you can suck myh little white guy cock. fucker.DIE!
Well, I'm 15 yrs old, and I was the first COB fan in our school. I was glad, that no one looks like me (I meant clothes). But my cocksucker classmate bought the same t-shirt I was wearing in that day. Next day I asked her:
-"do you know COB?"
She looked her t-shirt, and then answered: -"err, yes I know".
-And have you ever listened to any COB songs?
pff, then I asked:
-"And which one?"
-"oh, I don't know.."
Next day I went to her and gave her a walkman with an Edguy cassette. I said: Listen to it!
And then she listened, and asked: "Is it Bodom?" pfff, OMG! You all should meet her once!
Okay it may not ineresting, but if you see her eye to eye, heh...
So now there are about 10 "bodomfantruemetalheads" in our school.

I know how it feels guys but who gives a flying fuck.

The posers will stop when something else becomes "cool" We wont.
Dont give it a second thought.

All it means is more money for the band we love so they can go out, get drunk and write more ass kikcing music.
Shagoroth said:
Well, I'm 15 yrs old, and I was the first COB fan in our school. I was glad, that no one looks like me (I meant clothes). But my cocksucker classmate bought the same t-shirt I was wearing in that day. Next day I asked her:
-"do you know COB?"
She looked her t-shirt, and then answered: -"err, yes I know".
-And have you ever listened to any COB songs?
pff, then I asked:
-"And which one?"
-"oh, I don't know.."
Next day I went to her and gave her a walkman with an Edguy cassette. I said: Listen to it!
And then she listened, and asked: "Is it Bodom?" pfff, OMG! You all should meet her once!
Okay it may not ineresting, but if you see her eye to eye, heh...
So now there are about 10 "bodomfantruemetalheads" in our school.