Bodom song with the easiest rhythm section?


Oct 14, 2009
I'm looking for a Bodom song with a really easy rhythm section, that a beginner could quite easily handle. Preferably with some trickier leads over it and that doesn't rely on keyboards too much.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Downfall, maybe Kissing the Shadows? I'd say most of their older songs have quite easy rhythm sections because of Alexander, now Roope is able to play everything, so Alexi isn't limited only to powerchords. ;]
well i dont play guitar, it's just the rhythm guitarist i play with always says how bored he is playing kts as it's so easy
Kissing the Shadows is a bit fast in the rhythm parts for a beginner and Downfall has too much in the way of keyboards (wouldn't sound great with just two guitars).
I'll take a look at Bed of Razors, Lake Bodom and Every Time I Die though. I hope I can find something in there to entertain me lead-wise.
I think Angels Don't Kill is a good one, because it is one of their best songs. Punch Me I Bleed has a pretty easy rhythm, alot of it is just open palm muted C string for the main riff. It is a beast of a song and is slow, the chorus is very melodic and slow for inexperienced players too. The solo has a very very very cool rhythm to it, to go with the awesome solo. Playing that rhythm behind that solo is the best fun ever

seriously I mean, watch Alexi play the rhythm in this video

fucking masterpiece
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sixpounder is very easy i can tell you that (except the solo i supose.. but the rythm section is totally fine for me)