Bodominjärvi - the computer game!

Imagine the following:

tutorial level:
You are the Reaper, your weapon is that strange intrument from the "Children of Bodom" single. You are in a desert where everything is red and you have to kill the people who are lost in the desert.
first level:
You are in a green forest where four green people are sleeping in a green tent. Find the tent and kill them. Attention: Don't kill the guy with the COB shirt! If you kill him the game's over! BTW the guy with the sign saying "Zarok" is (i.e. will be) the ultimate corpse of Espoo. Killing him will give you extra points + your scythe!!! :p
When you walk to the shore of the lake you can see that your reflection has got red glowing eyes. Suddenly the lake and everything else turn to blue and...
second level:
Well there are some other guys to kill yet: Assman, the fisherman, the kiosk keeper...
third level:
You are in a city with many scyscrapers where everything is red. Your task is to find a black guitar with yellow stripes and kill the man who stole it. After investigating in lots of second hand shops (and killing lots of people while doing so, for they give you points of course) you'll have to save it out of a burning toy factory. As soon as you've killed the thief, the city suddenly turns to really strange colours and...
final level:
your final enemy, a huge dragon, appears. After you've beaten him, the game is won and all that's left to do for you is to give Allu back his guitar *g*

So now, who of you can program computer games???
Oh my god... Maili, I'm sure you had a terrible childhood. (Maybe a 'Lil Bloodred Ridin' Childhood). But actually this idea isn't that bad at all. I mean there is already a Kiss computer game, an Iron Maiden game and a Metallica game will follow. So yeah, your idea rocks!
But imagine how much fun you would have in the multiplayer mode where you can choose from skins of the band members.
Screams of people being slaughtered? Not bad, but it would be weirder if they said movie quotes while dying! (And of course the dragon says 'From now on, we're enemies. You and I.' when he appears.) And the game is not gonna be too easy! The 'red' level for example is a time level, you have to find the toy factory, save the guitar and kill the thief before the factory burns down!!

@ Zarok: Of course YOU will get the special limited edition where a girl with a sign saying "Maili Björklund" is the Ultimate Corpse Of Espoo. Can't kill yourself, can you?
Maili Björklund said:
Oh and it wasn't my childhood that was bad, rather what came after it. One day I met a guy on the internet who called himself Zarok, you know...
...and then you fell in love with him and so on. Yeah, I know this story.

There should be also some bonus levels for the Japanese version only, for example a level where somebody is tied on a bed in the forest and you have to find him and have fun with him (in a non-sexual way of course!)
I like the idea of this game more and more. You really have cool idea but psychiatrists would say that you're a girl with a bad case of Children Of Bodomisation.
i make skins and textures. ahha i think ive just been inspired to make a map for heretic 2.

(Maybe a 'Lil Bloodred Ridin' Childhood).
you're a girl with a bad case of Children Of Bodomisation.

*shoots self*

i didnt know there was an iron maiden game
Zarok666 said:
...and then you fell in love with him and so on. Yeah, I know this story.

Zarok, you've got to leave this dreamworld you're living in, or otherwise it will make you lose your connection to reality! I know everybody hates you and you can't get a girlfriend and all, but YOU HAVE TO STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS! Trust me!

Zarok666 said:
psychiatrists would say that you're a girl with a bad case of Children Of Bodomisation.

Not only psychiatrists...

That level with the guy on the IKEA bed is an idea of genious, but not for the Japanese but for the over-18s-version! I always wondered what should happen after you give Allu back the guitar, but you found the solution :D
ja our icons rule.
sounds good to me. i got lightwave like 3 days ago and its driving me nuts.
M. said:
ja our icons rule.
sounds good to me. i got lightwave like 3 days ago and its driving me nuts.
i really can't do ANYTHING outside my 3dsmax :lol:
I've tried modelling on lightwave, maya, Softimage and i can understand.... nothing! :lol:
well, let's see if we can do this thing ;)
I'll start looking for some references, if i manage to do any model, ill pm you, k? ;)