Bodominjärvi - the computer game!

That Reaper figure is cute and the Reaper was supposed to have red-glowing eyes anyway! A nice long cloak would be missing...

M. said:
hmmmmm.. anybody ever start to think that maybe this whole idea is pretty insensitive since real people really did die, and it was a terrible tragedy for many people...?

I don't think anyone outside the forum is ever gonna have that game, so who really cares? And look at the whole COB thing: the band name, the lyrics, the album covers... To the relatives it wouldn't be too much worse than that I guess.

M. said:
i dont think id like to see a video game where the goal is to kill my son/daughter/sister/nephew/grandson

rather grandparents, you forget that that thing happened 40 years ago!

NeedledWarheart said:
what if they were REEEEEALLLLY annoying?

hmmm doesnt seem like anybody besides me and tut are actually willing to DO anything, so maybe not
I have limited Knowledge with a computer but if there is something i can do, count me in!
I'd love to see this game.

If one of you has MSN and is willing to teach me how to make 3d Models or whatever i'll do that! :)
i'm gonna start the alexi model ASAP...
i'm not having much time cause of school and computer problems (i use windows98, but my max is installed on XP, so i usually start using it and have so many things to do i don't have the time to restart and model :p)
fuck that we don't care! RIP AND CUT AND MUTILATE.

i'm assuming youve never experienced anyone close to you ever being murdered?
Don't get me wrong, I really like the idea and i guess it would be a really cool computergame, BUT I don't know if i could laugh about it when i was involved into that bodom-thing.. i mean... being slaughtered isn't any fun at all, i guess and it wasn't really funny what happened at lake bodom about 30 years ago, at least 3 people were killed ... but anyway- i like the idea!
Lets also remember that the people involved are dead. What they dont know cant hurt them.

And! if CoB singing songs with lines like "wash your hands in the lake of your blood" etc and have albums and shit about it, what the hell is the harm in a game about it?

I mean, seriosuly, the reaper (probobally) doesn't exist, so a game with the reaper is fictional.
As is quake 3 and rocket launchers.
ups,when i wrote down my last entry i didn't see that there was somebody before me who already mentioned this and that it was discussed.. sorry! but anyway, i'd like to help writing dialogues!