Computer Speakers


BruTaL CoRpSe GrinDeR
Aug 17, 2006
Well I think that the subject is clear, I want to buy new computer speakers, and I'm a big Metalhead, I mainly listen to Death Metal.
The models I seek for are 2.0 stereo speakers, because I heard that 5.1 isn't that worth to buy for music listening.

My budget adds up to 150 euros, what are your suggestions?

Thank you in advance. :Spin:
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention at all! Can I move this thread to the off-topic section...? or should I just let it as it is?
I don't think it is possible. But anyway. You're not the first, and surely not the last one who do that :lol:
I don't know what could you buy so, no suggestion from me :X
Gay thread, but I recommend you buy regular stereos used from an internet auction, and connect it to the computer. I once had that connected to the computer, plus an awesome old amp, and it was a fucking cannon. I recently bought some amazing-sounding and -looking stereo set for one hundred euros, used and 7 years old but good as new. The one as in the pic below.


Forget about the over priced hifi-bullshit they sell these days, you gonna need to invest tons and tons if you want powerful listening experience for metal music. They've now stopped selling those cool stereos, cos they cost like 400e and you had everything: player, speakers, lots of power and volume, and even good looks. These days you only get one tiny stupid speaker for 400e. It's business, man. I can't help laughing at these web sites; you have a lady posing in there on a site that's clearly made by a graph designer, with a lame slogan, and promises of great sounds, like a women's deadorant homepage. Go old school and you're good.