Imagine the following:
tutorial level:
You are the Reaper, your weapon is that strange intrument from the "Children of Bodom" single. You are in a desert where everything is red and you have to kill the people who are lost in the desert.
first level:
You are in a green forest where four green people are sleeping in a green tent. Find the tent and kill them. Attention: Don't kill the guy with the COB shirt! If you kill him the game's over! BTW the guy with the sign saying "Zarok" is (i.e. will be) the ultimate corpse of Espoo. Killing him will give you extra points + your scythe!!!

When you walk to the shore of the lake you can see that your reflection has got red glowing eyes. Suddenly the lake and everything else turn to blue and...
second level:
Well there are some other guys to kill yet: Assman, the fisherman, the kiosk keeper...
third level:
You are in a city with many scyscrapers where everything is red. Your task is to find a black guitar with yellow stripes and kill the man who stole it. After investigating in lots of second hand shops (and killing lots of people while doing so, for they give you points of course) you'll have to save it out of a burning toy factory. As soon as you've killed the thief, the city suddenly turns to really strange colours and...
final level:
your final enemy, a huge dragon, appears. After you've beaten him, the game is won and all that's left to do for you is to give Allu back his guitar *g*
So now, who of you can program computer games???