Bombing in Boston today, two dead, at least 20 injured.

Wondering about how much of the links i've posted you've checked out before saying "lol conspiracy".

I've check out both (official story and "conspiracy theories") and i'm more "lol official story" now, and the official story sounded fishy way before i started reading about the conspiracy angle.

You sir, can quite literally go fuck yourself.

Time and time again you internet wacko's who have grown up with idiotic paranoia about authority, have proved yourselves to be completely without morals and without any clue how to actually investigate evidence. All you have are photos (none of these armchair fuckers were even there) and a collection of assumptions and false connections.

Shame on you for even thinking that this sort of vigilante investigation could lead anywhere except paranoia and delusion.
I was being mildly sarcastic in my post but my point stands, I have been fed up with condescending ignorant making sweeping stereotypical statements. It comes off as just being rude, ignorant and the condescending "parent to children" like scoffs as if somehow that person's ideology is superior is infuriating. I have been really fed up with a lot of statements on the political front which recently stemmed over to nationality stereotypes with all the negative attention America has been getting lately. What some people don't realize is that there are dumb or weird people on both sides of every coin, politically, nationally etc. If me getting angered at said ignorance and sometimes feel the need to say something about it makes me eccentric, then so be it.

America is the most powerful country in the world. It has the military, economic and political power to enact its will across the globe and is not shy about doing so. That is why you catch so much flack - ignorant and otherwise - compared to other countries.

Barely anyone is going to be critical of e.g. Uzbekistani culture because - quite simply - it doesn't matter. Cultural trends and attitudes in the USA can change the world.
You sir, can quite literally go fuck yourself.

Time and time again you internet wacko's who have grown up with idiotic paranoia about authority, have proved yourselves to be completely without morals and without any clue how to actually investigate evidence. All you have are photos (none of these armchair fuckers were even there) and a collection of assumptions and false connections.

Shame on you for even thinking that this sort of vigilante investigation could lead anywhere except paranoia and delusion.

There's way more than just photos in the links i've posted.

I could say this about the official story : "Time and time again you mainstream-media-buyers who have grown up with idiotic gullibility, have proved yourselves to be completely without morals and without any clue how to actually investigate evidence. All you have are photos (none of these armchair fuckers were even there), videos and press releases/tv broadcasts supplied by only a few selected (i.e "official") sources and a collection of assumptions and false connections."

I have no shame for investigating further from the official story when it seems super-fishy to me, and when it's been proved countless times that the mainstream-media makes up stories.

And now i'm gonna play drums because nobody's home.

EDIT : i'm not afraid of checking out alternative versions of the story since i know i will always be open to people trying to debunk them and make up my own mind. So far i've not seen any serious debunking of theses alternative theories (i'm talking about the Boston thing here).

EDIT 2 : in other words, i don't see any problem in having an official story and an alternative story as long as one can criticize the official story and the other way around. You think the alternative theory is bullshit ? Then prove it wrong. But you have no right to prevent me or judging me from questioning the official story and trying to prove it wrong or feeling it's fake.
As far as I'm concerned - feel free to look into "alternative theories", just understand that those putting out these conspiracies are driven by the very same thing as the "mainstream media" - trying for their 15 minutes of fame, trying to get clicks on their blog or website. Just like all the wingnut radio show hosts that play at the fringe extremes and spew out extreme views have turned fear mongering into a very profitable business for themselves - just like the so called mainstream media - it's all about the Benjamins as the saying goes.

I can almost see most of these extreme voices (both left and right of the political spectrum) getting home at night after a day of fear mongering greeting their wives with "You won't believe what these sheep that follow me will believe!"

But hey, as I said if it's your thing to entertain the most convoluted twists and turns of conspiracy thinking then have at it - at a bare minimum it's entertaining to those of us willing to think that it's not always the bogeyman man in the closet and the truth tends to fall towards more simple motives and answers that don't require jumping down the rabbit hole and visiting the Mad Hatter for answers.

Whatever floats your boat.
You think the alternative theory is bullshit ? Then prove it wrong. But you have no right to prevent me or judging me from questioning the official story and trying to prove it wrong or feeling it's fake.

How exactly would one prove you/the theory wrong? Everything can be made to fit the conspiracy theory. Whenever something gets "debunked", the conspiracy theorist can simply come up with some other random claims and the game starts again.
In other words: name the circumstances under which you would accept what you call the "official story".

A bunch of conspiracy theorists need less than a day to come up with claims that no amount of sceptics and scientists could ever disprove.

After all, that's not the way it works anyway. We don't have to disprove the conspiracy theorists, the conspiracy theorists have to deliver positive evidence for their claims. They never do.

Also, can you name a few such incidents where one couldn't find something that's "fishy" about it? If you want to, you could most likely find something that "doesn't add up", "seems weird" etc. in any such event.
It's the same as with the Bible Code. Michael Drisnin, wo claims that there are messages/prophecies in the bible, challenged his critics to find the same messages in Moby Dick. Well, of course they found them. Do you think that changed Drisnins mind? Nope.
As far as I'm concerned - feel free to look into "alternative theories", just understand that those putting out these conspiracies are driven by the very same thing as the "mainstream media" - trying for their 15 minutes of fame, trying to get clicks on their blog or website. Just like all the wingnut radio show hosts that play at the fringe extremes and spew out extreme views have turned fear mongering into a very profitable business for themselves - just like the so called mainstream media - it's all about the Benjamins as the saying goes.

I can almost see most of these extreme voices (both left and right of the political spectrum) getting home at night after a day of fear mongering greeting their wives with "You won't believe what these sheep that follow me will believe!"

But hey, as I said if it's your thing to entertain the most convoluted twists and turns of conspiracy thinking then have at it - at a bare minimum it's entertaining to those of us willing to think that it's not always the bogeyman man in the closet and the truth tends to fall towards more simple motives and answers that don't require jumping down the rabbit hole and visiting the Mad Hatter for answers.

Whatever floats your boat.

Every one of your posts just oozes wisdom and enlightenment Jind (I'm not being sarcastic either, just goofy and only slightly hyperbolic), but this is my favorite in awhile!
You think the alternative theory is bullshit ? Then prove it wrong.

Yes, cause that's the foundation of logical thinking? :eek::guh:

The most convoluted story with the most nefarious motives must be the truth - really?

I can't remember if you posted in the "when did you stop believing in God" thread but by that magical debate logic your using here one would guess you fall on the side of creationism and man walking with dinosaurs on our 6000 year old earth. ;)

You can't prove he did not exist or that such and such happened so it must be true or he must exist. Such a great use of critical thinking my friend - keep going, it's humorous to many of us. I think I already said that but nevertheless please do continue... :worship:
I see the official story as a collection of assumptions backing up a story and footage made to push that story.

But i'm fine if we don't agree :)

I'm more afraid of the likes of you and those who wrote and continue to write those websites you linked to; much more so than I am of the police, government, or science labs.

And if you don't understand why, there is no helping you.
Every one of your posts just oozes wisdom and enlightenment Jind (I'm not being sarcastic either, just goofy and only slightly hyperbolic), but this is my favorite in awhile!

Thanks my friend. I know I can be sarcastic at times, but I try to be as open minded as I can - but even I have my limits to stuff I think is just plain silly and irrational.
Has already been posted by Djabthrash and got debunked in the same link he posted.

I really wonder how some people are able to turn on their computer on their own.

"This guy got hurt and in that one pic he doesn't behave the way I think he should behave. He is an actor, bro. Ancient aliens are coming to kill us all and vaccines cause cancer and turn you gay! It's all clear. It's the biggest conspiracy ever. That's why they put little signs everywhere, so that every 10 year old with a computer can find out about the conspiracy! You so dumb, sheeple. Also, you should buy Alex Jones' fluoride filter because fluoride lowers your IQ. It's totally proven in scientific studies, that's why Alex Jones is so smart."
I've seen several stories today about a subject that seems to always come up after tragic, seemingly terrorist related incidents whether successful or foiled - the subject being "what price are we as a people willing to pay for feeling safer?", in other words the idea that after every one of these incidents many individuals, both politicians and everyday citizens, start suggesting things that seem to strip away civil liberties all in the name of protecting us in this 'war on terror" we now seem to find ourselves in as a permanent condition.

It's one of those odd ball subjects where people seem to voice opinions and feelings on the subject that may be completely counter to other opinions they hold. An example would be the schism that seems to happen with extreme conservatives who generally rile against government involvement in their lives being the first to call for enemy combatant status for a US citizen arrested within our boarders, or immediately questioning why the FBI did not keep a the older brother in this case under constant watch after he was brought to their attention back in 2011 - at that time they did a preliminary investigation and interviews and found him to not be a threat. This last one always seems like one of those hindsight is 20/20 and it's easy to criticize after the fact.

I was skimming through channels this morning and watched an interview with Rep. Peter King (NY) on The Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd in which he said that radical beliefs (he specifically mentions radical Islam) should be enough to cause heightened monitoring, a point that the host follows up with what I see as a reasonable question - that being, are we talking about having radical beliefs or views (ANY radical beliefs or views) being enough to treat a US citizen as a threat and the subsequent result being possible constant monitoring and treatment as an "enemy combatant"? Mind you, this is my interpretation of what I thought the host was getting at.

You can see the video here:

I suspect if that were indeed the case, we would have far to many people to keep constant eyes on as we have people with radical beliefs of all sorts all over this country - both on the extreme right and the extreme left, we have Christians that could be considered to have radical views, we have people with radical views on animal testing, on Wall Street reform, you name almost any subject and we have people with radical views. does that mean they are going to act on those radical views and commit an act of violence? I suspect in the vast majority of cases the answer is no. This is the point I call the schism of the "keep government out of my life" types suddenly endorsing the "police state" they supposedly fear (not all mind you, but a good number from my observations).

So back to the original question "what price are we as a people willing to pay for feeling safer?"

I'm interested in seeing how others feel about both the overall question as well as the more specific question Chuck Todd had for representative King (as I understand what he was getting at). What are you willing to live with to feel safer? Do your opinions on our response to the "war on terror" seem counter to other beliefs you hold? Do you find yourself conflicted in cases like this?

Just wondering.