My two fer - I find it very funny that Bonds hit his peak in his 30's, when his averages went WAY up... He can deny steriod use all day long - he's used performance enhancing drugs, we all know it so yes for many any of his awards, records, achievements are tainted... I complete agree with alot of the things Bob Costas has said about the situation... There will always be an asterick next to his name at the top of the Home run list (while he's there...)
And his 'tude sucks - his speech the other night breaking it was the first time I had EVER seen him not be a complete and total prick to the media... Talking to the press is part of an pro athelete's job - deal with it and stop acting like a whiny 2 year old...
In all sports today, PED's are being used and if any athelete is approaching breaking a record and his use of such PED's has been questioned, the record will be tainted...
I think the true home run king is the one with the most home runs with the least number of at bats... I mean if someone goes to the plate say 10, 000 times and hits 800 home runs, that's not so 'oooooo' But if the someone has been to the plate say 3,000 times and hit the same number of homers - that is, to me a truer feat of 'home run king'...
It's just me, but I really feel that the home run king should have the most home runs with the fewest at bats...
I cannot STAND Bonds.. Hell there are a couple atheletes out there that I cannot out right stand because of comments they have made during interviews (Jaomir Jagr can rot in bloody hell for all I care the whiny b#tch)..
Give me the atheletes with Class & dignity any day - Cal Ripken Jr. being a prime example..