Bonds all time homerun king!!!!

Stripped? Your trippin...someone will beat his record one day but he will never be stripped on that tile.

then an asterick* needs to be next to his name and Hank Aaron's name listed below since he did it the RIGHT way.
then an asterick* needs to be next to his name and Hank Aaron's name listed below since he did it the RIGHT way.

Please...Then an asterisk needs to be put in most records books in most professional sports and only if it is a proven fact not conjecture.

My two fer - I find it very funny that Bonds hit his peak in his 30's, when his averages went WAY up... He can deny steriod use all day long - he's used performance enhancing drugs, we all know it so yes for many any of his awards, records, achievements are tainted... I complete agree with alot of the things Bob Costas has said about the situation... There will always be an asterick next to his name at the top of the Home run list (while he's there...)

And his 'tude sucks - his speech the other night breaking it was the first time I had EVER seen him not be a complete and total prick to the media... Talking to the press is part of an pro athelete's job - deal with it and stop acting like a whiny 2 year old...

In all sports today, PED's are being used and if any athelete is approaching breaking a record and his use of such PED's has been questioned, the record will be tainted...

I think the true home run king is the one with the most home runs with the least number of at bats... I mean if someone goes to the plate say 10, 000 times and hits 800 home runs, that's not so 'oooooo' But if the someone has been to the plate say 3,000 times and hit the same number of homers - that is, to me a truer feat of 'home run king'...

It's just me, but I really feel that the home run king should have the most home runs with the fewest at bats...

I cannot STAND Bonds.. Hell there are a couple atheletes out there that I cannot out right stand because of comments they have made during interviews (Jaomir Jagr can rot in bloody hell for all I care the whiny b#tch)..

Give me the atheletes with Class & dignity any day - Cal Ripken Jr. being a prime example..
Hank Aaron is another one who played with class and continues to thus day to exhibit that same class.
Bonds better enjoy it while it lasts. It took 30 years for Aaron's record to be the near future Bonds' will be broken. A Rod is already over 500 & on his way. Barring some injury or complete breakdown on A Rod's part...Bonds will only be a slight memory.

This is what I have been saying. :kickass: A Rod will be King!
A-Rod is 32 on an aging team. When the Yankees blow this motley crew up, do you think that A-Rod will get the same meatballs that he gets now? Furthermore, unless he opens fire and hits 40-45 dingers a year for the next five years, it will be near impossible unless he plays to 40-42.
Steroids do not make you a home run hitter. Steroids do not make you a hitter period. I don't even think they increase bat speed myself as some do. Hand-eye coordination in baseball is the hardest skill to master in any sport. Barry is a God in regards to that and is why he is a Hall of Famer based on his Pirate days alone.

What steriods do is allow you to hit a ball *further* than you normally would based on increased strength and muscle fatigue recovery..nothing else. That 385 ft flyball to the track becomes a 415 ft dinger for the Roid user. To deny that is to stick your head in the sand along with the other ostriches.

In San Diego we know him as Barroid with an *
A-Rod is 32 on an aging team. When the Yankees blow this motley crew up, do you think that A-Rod will get the same meatballs that he gets now? Furthermore, unless he opens fire and hits 40-45 dingers a year for the next five years, it will be near impossible unless he plays to 40-42.

First off, being on a bad team would probably greatly affect RBI production but shouldn't mean too much at all by way of HR production. That said, he's got an out clause in his contract that will likely lead him elsewhere following this season (ironically, San Francisco is often rumored to be a possible destination). He's already got 36 this year with 48 games left to play. Let's say he finishes with 50, putting his total at 514. If he declines (not likely in at least the next 4 seasons or so given his conditioning) and averages 35 a season over the next 7 years (he hasn't had less than 35 since 1997 and his career average is over 40), that's 759 dingers right there. I'm betting he's still got several 40+ seasons left as well, which obviously makes it even easier. Barring injury or anything unforseen - that record's his.

he barely made it back this season!! I can't remember what was injured - I want to say knee or shoulder - but seriously, the guy is just getting up there and PED's or not, his body isn't going to be able to stand the punishment of being a pro athlete for much longer...

Oh the amount of money I would've given to just see him have choked one homer behind Hank Aaron and unable to play baseball ever again... That would've REALLY pissed him off..
My two fer - I find it very funny that Bonds hit his peak in his 30's, when his averages went WAY up... He can deny steriod use all day long - he's used performance enhancing drugs, we all know it so yes for many any of his awards, records, achievements are tainted... I complete agree with alot of the things Bob Costas has said about the situation... There will always be an asterick next to his name at the top of the Home run list (while he's there...)

And his 'tude sucks - his speech the other night breaking it was the first time I had EVER seen him not be a complete and total prick to the media... Talking to the press is part of an pro athelete's job - deal with it and stop acting like a whiny 2 year old...

In all sports today, PED's are being used and if any athelete is approaching breaking a record and his use of such PED's has been questioned, the record will be tainted...

I think the true home run king is the one with the most home runs with the least number of at bats... I mean if someone goes to the plate say 10, 000 times and hits 800 home runs, that's not so 'oooooo' But if the someone has been to the plate say 3,000 times and hit the same number of homers - that is, to me a truer feat of 'home run king'...

It's just me, but I really feel that the home run king should have the most home runs with the fewest at bats...

I cannot STAND Bonds.. Hell there are a couple atheletes out there that I cannot out right stand because of comments they have made during interviews (Jaomir Jagr can rot in bloody hell for all I care the whiny b#tch)..

Give me the atheletes with Class & dignity any day - Cal Ripken Jr. being a prime example..

This kind of reads like Charlie Browns teacher talks
Bonds is a cheater the same as Canseco, McGwire, Palmeiro and the rest of the 'roid boys. As much as I hate the Yankees, Roger Maris, IMO still holds the single season home run record. Also, if Babe Ruth wasn't a pitcher the first four years of his career, the home run record would never be touched.
Ugh....whatever....he used steroids.....tons of players have. Bottom line, he is a complete ass. I look forward to someone else breaking that record and I wish someone with class would have been the one to break it but there's no denying the ass can hit the ball.

Wuv your Bearsie. Muah muah.
What truth hurts?? :rolleyes:

Lookin' forward to seein' ya at PP tho - even tho you think Bonds is ok and the Sharks are actually a good team.. hehehehe :p ;)

What truth? Your truth or his truth? I live here I see it more than anyone on the east coast...Lets see the Sharks actually made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs how far did your team make it?hmmmm

Truth hurts eh

Not going to PPUSA this year unfortunately...
