Boobies: real v. fake

Which do you prefer?

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What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Discuss preference and merits of both, looks feel touch taste whatever.

I'd like to hear some female input here as well. :Spin:
I'm going castle greyskull. Both have their merits....

And we're going on mammary gland looks alone, right? Because a chick who gets implants is probably going to be a dirty skank, which is also a beautiful thing (before marriage).

You see, some implants have that ripple effect that makes me want to hurl. And some have scars that just make me want to shit. Some fake boobs are sooo big and fake that the skin looks like it's been replaced by cyborg rubber.

Fake tanned boobs in a bikini top do look great, however.

Now some real boobs need assistance, but they always feel better at the end of the day. That is unless they're old and saggy, covered in stretch marks with nipples pointing to the feet.

When all is said and done, real and perky are probably the best you're gonna get, but then they just become a side order, not a main dish.

I dunno, I'm in the grey for this. Damn you and you're impossible thread polls!!! And damn you too Aquascum!!
So glad option #3 is being heavily used. The significance behind it is the first time I heard the word "boob" used in a non-mammory sense was when Skeletor yelled at one of his fuckos for botching some plan, saying "YOU BOOB!" I was 5 and shocked they could get away with that on TV I think. :loco:

I think fakies look great in tight fitting clothes but almost always you can tell they are fake when fully exposed. The scarring is just gross and the ripple thing is indeed vomit inducing. And after last night upon feeling my first set of fakies, I can honestly say they feel as fake as they look. Give me a perky set of authentic B (5'5 and under) or C (5'6 and taller) cups any day of the week!
castle greyskull is from he-man.

and i like my real boobies. a nice B on the verge of C. i would never get implants. i can't stand the thought of having something fake in me.
ct_thrash said:
castle greyskull is from he-man.
Yeah, that I get. I just don't understand how it's one of the choices.

ct_thrash said:
and i like my real boobies. a nice B on the verge of C. i would never get implants. i can't stand the thought of having something fake in me.
No wonder you like them, they're the perfect size.

General Zod said:
I'm still not clear on the use of "Castle Greyskull" in this thread.
Adrian said:
So glad option #3 is being heavily used. The significance behind it is the first time I heard the word "boob" used in a non-mammory sense was when Skeletor yelled at one of his fuckos for botching some plan, saying "YOU BOOB!" I was 5 and shocked they could get away with that on TV I think. :loco:
In otherwords, it's meaningless. Although this answer makes perfect sense:
ct_thrash said:
boobies+he-man, they go great together!
ct_thrash said:
and i like my real boobies. a nice B on the verge of C.
:kickass: Why yes, I AM headbanging with beer in hand in approval of your boobs.
did anyone have the clear plastic he-man figure? with glittery liquid inside? that thing fascinated me.
and jimbo is right, he-man's boobs put all others to shame :(
however, one must never doubt the power of se-man's boobs
From the beginning I didn't think this thread could degrade itself any lower.

Shows what I know.