
One Inch Man said:
I always read 2 books at once, it just feels natural.

Yeah me too, allthough it's three now, usually one non-fiction and one ordinary which usually means fantasy.

I've read Dostojewski's Crime and Punishment (or whatever that's called in english) and I had to force myself to finish it. Then I tried The Idiot, but I put that down, the stuff going on in them just doesn't interest me.

Current non-fiction is this one. Very interesting and quite bizarre.

EDIT: I can't fucking reply to the fucking latest fucking purchases fucking thread for some stupid fucking reason and fucking shit. Ignore this post, sorry.

EDIT EDIT: Has anyone read Tolkien's Unfinished Tales? I'm getting ready to start those up.
Black Winter Day said:
Dostoevsky (and literature in general) isn't about telling a story per se, but about giving an abundance of wisdom, philosophy, depth, etc., something that Dostoevsky in particular is a master at.

Yeah I guess so, but if the story can't evoke any interest than it's pretty though going, regardless of philosophy and depth. But I shall attack The Idiot once more and see if it surrenders some enjoyment this time around ;)

Is Darken in that book? :p

Actually, yes :grin: (no pictars thuogh ;| )
I just finished Shadow Divers the other day, about the guys who discovered that unknown U-boat off the coast of NJ. An excellent true detective/mystery story. It was enough to get me to order the 2-hour Nova episode, and buy a U-505 tee from Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. Other than that I've been reading my usual plethora of thrillers and such, including some accounts of vietnam vets.
Black Winter Day said:
Try "Notes From the Underground". It's short and one of Dostoevsky's best. After that, I'd reccomend "The Brothers Karamazov" (if you can find a decent translation... most of the translations to this book, and most of Dostoevsky's, are shit and lose the humor of the originals).

I actually have TBK at home and I belive it's some kind of revised edition as well, but I think I'll go for the suggested NftU since the sheer size of TBK is not particularly inviting for a skeptic as myself :P Thanks for the tips anyway
I was doing some fucking christmas shopping the other day and this lady tells her 10 year old(approx) son, who is gazing at books through the window of Waldenbooks, to, and I quote, "get over here, books are for nerds!!"

I wanted to sink my fist halfway through her skull after I heard that.

Doomcifer said:
I was doing some fucking christmas shopping the other day and this lady tells her 10 year old(approx) son, who is gazing at books through the window of Waldenbooks, to, and I quote, "get over here, books are for nerds!!"

I wanted to sink my fist halfway through her skull after I heard that.

"Yes son, books are for nerds. All you need are a few good reality TV shows, Dr. Phil, and Grand Theft Auto and you'll be an upstanding citizen."

books>>>>>>>>>TV (except for baseball and Seinfeld)
Fuck that, motherfuck that. How could a parent discourage their child against reading books!? Aw fer fuck's sake, we're doomed.

BWD, have you read Finnegans Wake yet? I'm on page 3 after about a year. Rawk.
I just found out that Huck Finn is banned at the Junior High School in my town. Fuck them, and fuck that. How can people justify banning an American classic... a GOOD American classic!!? Luckily at my high school they still whore that book out...