
reading the Goddamn Da Vinci Code ... this writer is just brutal the way he writes. Short chapters with twists at the end of everyone ... dammit ... I cannot put it down, but have not finished it yet.
I am sure this was probably discussed in this thread somewhere but I am too lazy to look for it.
speed said:
Well I finally received Evola's Revolt Against the Modern World from the library loan service. I started reading it, and wow, I cant say I agree with him on his spiritual Platonic return to Tradition, but it certainly makes one think about the origins of everything, and the bankrupcy of our materialistic capitalist culture. Anything else of his I should read Doomcifer? Looks like alot of it is on the occult.

Besides that one, Men Amongst The Ruins. Ya, I dont pay attention to his occult stuff much.
lurch70 said:
reading the Goddamn Da Vinci Code ... this writer is just brutal the way he writes. Short chapters with twists at the end of everyone ... dammit ... I cannot put it down, but have not finished it yet.

I know exactly what you mean. I finished it in two or three days, myself. During my vacation, but still... It's not that he's such a good writer, but he has this way of driving the story onwards and keeping it exciting by throwing in both predictable and unpredicatable twists, and some fun facts about symboligy and history to boot. I think I'll aquire Angels & Demons next time I'm looking for some fun literature.
from all people I have spoken with ... the general consensus is that Angels & Demons is an even better read
Now that I have time to read it, the Evola book keeps getting better.

I wonder Spaffe or Doomcifer, have either of you read Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West?

Oh and what happened to Black Winter Day? havent seen him on here for a month.
Haha, reforming Genesis is going to take even more counseling and ego management than Metallica.

Is he in England for the quarter? I remember him talking about it.
speed said:
I wonder Spaffe or Doomcifer, have either of you read Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West?

Heard of him yes, I belive he was mentioned in that book on occult nazism I read a while ago hehe, but I don't know anything about him or his works. Are you asking because you want info or a discussion? If it's the latter please share what you know :)
No I was about to get it from the library. Yeah he turned into a ardent supporter of the Nazi's, but this book is a critique of capitalism, morality etc. apparently it is important enough for Kissinger to give it to Nixon to read while he was president.
Doomcifer this may seem like an odd recommendation, but if you can, read Marx's Grundrisse. It is almost toally devoid of his loony political communism, and is instead the most interesting criticism and prophecy of the destruction of capitalism I have read. He states simialr arguments throughout Das Kapital and the Manifesto, but the Grundrisse is better constructed, and more relevant.

In the Grundrisse he basically predicts that capitalism will collapse on itself due to the fact productivity will increase to such a point, where few if any people need to be employed; thus causing the destruction of the market for capitalistic products ( no one has a job, and thus any money for such products and services), and then mankind enters into a golden age of leisure time. Its pretty much happening right now in America--well we are losing our jobs, with nothing to replace them, but of course healthy stock options. Its still a good 30 years down the road; but fuck, look how bad things have gotten in the last 30 years.
Finished The Soft Machine last night. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah. That was fucking strange with some very good sections (the Mayan and gay killer bits especially), but for the most part it was just, well, gross. Maybe I'll read it again later in life, when I further grasp Burroughs idea of destroying language, but for now:

Naked Lunch >>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Soft Machine
Doomcifer: Ive heard he is a modern Kierkegaard. I hope he isnt too much of a psychologist. I'll have to pick it up. I enjoyed Evola, especially his uncovering of the symbolism of ancient religion; but I must say I disagreed with him on 2/3rds of the material ( this absurd war like return to medieval feudalism and chivalry, and his great northern race of hyperboreans were a bit much at times ), and agreed quite strongly on the other 1/3. Been a while since I had such a strange opinion. I did have a long discussion with female friends on how the womens revolution has been nothing more than making women into men--I had happened to read Evola's amusing opinions that afternoon--and damn it, all but one of them agreed wholeheartedly. I thought I was going to be called a pig, but quite the contrary.

Anyway, if you like Becker try this book by Viktor Frankl: Mans Search For Meaning he created a seperate psychological school called logotherapy, which is in essence existentialist philosophy. I know he quotes Dosteovsky, Kierkegaard and Camus quite frequently. I remember it being a quick and excellent read. Here is the review from Amazon:
speed said:
Doomcifer: Ive heard he is a modern Kierkegaard. I hope he isnt too much of a psychologist. I'll have to pick it up. I enjoyed Evola, especially his uncovering of the symbolism of ancient religion; but I must say I disagreed with him on 2/3rds of the material ( this absurd war like return to medieval feudalism and chivalry, and his great northern race of hyperboreans were a bit much at times ), and agreed quite strongly on the other 1/3. Been a while since I had such a strange opinion. I did have a long discussion with female friends on how the womens revolution has been nothing more than making women into men--I had happened to read Evola's amusing opinions that afternoon--and damn it, all but one of them agreed wholeheartedly. I thought I was going to be called a pig, but quite the contrary.

Anyway, if you like Becker try this book by Viktor Frank: Mans Search For Meaning he created a seperate psychological school called logotherapy, which is in essence existentialist philosophy. I know he quotes Dosteovsky, Kierkegaard and Camus quite frequently. I remember it being a quick and excellent read. Here is the review from Amazon:

Ya, he mentions Kirkegaard actually, but is more hung up on Otto Rank from what I have read. The book seems highly interesting in regards to modern man constantly trying to deny his own mortality.

I agree with the whole turning women into men thing you stated. To deny the difference, not only the obvious physical differences but the psychological, socio-biological differences, is very ignorant and causes more problems than one can imagine. It's kind of sad how in these modern times, education takes on an entire different meaning. More like "mind-shaping", but I digress. heh
Your welcome, quid pro quo I say. Ill probably pick up Becker tom. Yeah it is sad about women, and it is even sadder that they know it, but refuse to do anything about it. Have to go to southern europe, where it doesnt seem to have hit such a level; the women are still women.

Anyway, you still would love Spengler, its 1,000 pages of bliss. And I found out he turned out against the Nazi's, and predicted their violent downfall in 10 years in 1936; now that is prophecy. Interestingly he thought the next great political system in the western world would be moral socialism--something Herr Bush seems to be found of.
speed said:
Your welcome, quid pro quo I say. Ill probably pick up Becker tom. Yeah it is sad about women, and it is even sadder that they know it, but refuse to do anything about it. Have to go to southern europe, where it doesnt seem to have hit such a level; the women are still women.

Anyway, you still would love Spengler, its 1,000 pages of bliss. And I found out he turned out against the Nazi's, and predicted their violent downfall in 10 years in 1936; now that is prophecy. Interestingly he thought the next great political system in the western world would be moral socialism--something Herr Bush seems to be found of.

Looks like I am goig to have to do my research on this Spengler fellow. That moral socialism bit is getting pretty fucking accurate and equally as scary.

I need to be a more passive person. I really do.