
i started Pale Fire last year but wasn't paying attention to it so put it down. will possibly pick it up again tonight, i really liked it, just knew it wasn't ripe for me. or something.
course not. :tickled: well, i read Siddhartha, just haven't gone back to Steppenwolf yet.

read a bit of Pale Fire last night (took it from the top, or something), really f'n good so far.
Started Donna Tartt's "The Little Friend" today.

Having just finished Eco's "The Foucault Pendulum", which left me a little heavy-headed, I wasn't really feeling like starting a new book, but this one gripped me right away from the top line.

Tartt's first novel "The Secret History" ranks among my absolute all-time favourite. Shrewd and somehow old-fashionedly-written thriller that is not as much a thriller as a psycho-drama after all.
i should read some more Eco, i absolutely adored The Name of the Rose. even if it did take me like a year to read it. any suggestions?
I need to read some Eco sometime.

My creative writing professor (who is also a pretty renowned southern writer... I won't give away any names though :) ) let me borrow a collection of post-modern short stories by people like Barth, Carter and Borges (who fuckin rules, btw).
no, its