
I'm about 3/5 of the way through V. now. It RULES! I don't know if it's on par with Gravity's Rainbow yet (doubtful) but it's definitely more of a page-turner. I've been reading it for 2 days off and on and am on page 300. After the same amount of reading GR, I think I was on about page 120, haha.

You'd probably like Pynchon, NADs. He's like a cross between Vonnegut and Burroughs.
Well, I'd say V. since it's his first novel and introduces some of the characters and themes appearing in GR. It's fairly dense and confusing, but it's not too hard to follow.

The Crying of Lot 49 would be a good starting place as well. It's only 150 pages and the prose is relatively simple (relatively speaking).

Gravity's Rainbow is the big one, a fucking MASTERPIECE. Seriously, words cannot showcase the scope and brilliance of this book. Yeah, it's long and complex and most people don't get more than 100 pages into it, but it's fucking worth it. #2 book of all time. I started with this one and, while I don't regret it, I almost wish I'd started with something simpler.
I read most of Boyd Rice's book "The Vessel of God" at the airport and on the plane today. Some interesting esoteric viewpoints that haven't ocurred to me in it, and there was a nice little section dealing with the Nephilim and the Book of Enoch that was informative (considering I was interested in that subject but know just about nothing about). I'll probably finish it later tonight. I've noticed at least one historical error, but that's ok. It was minor. I'm not going to expect someone who's a highschool dropout to get everything perfect. :loco:
Finished V. GodDAMN. I think it may break my top 10 fave books, although I'll probably have to wait and see how many more times I pick it up again and read parts over and over.
reading a lot of Lovecraft now. that dude was pretty sick, awesome. read like 5 pages of Prince Caspian last night, then got bored. it's funny how i was totally stoked for that Narnia movie, so then read Lion Witch and Yer Momma, realized how good it wasn't, and now am waiting for DVD. :loco:
hey i just bought Vineland by Pynchon. sounded like it would totally be my thing, and the writeup thingy on V. compared it to Ulysses which, well, i haven't read yet. i have it though, just haven't gotten around to it.

also Pnin by Nabokov. oh and a Wee Little Garden Gnome for me ma, she likes those little dudes. and last week i bought the first Foundation book by Asimov.
AND a friend of mine bought me a Zappa biography for xmas. fuckin' cool.

anyhow, so yeah, i've only ever known the name Thomas Pynchon by the reclusive writer on the Simpsons gag. i thought this dude was completely modern, i had no idea that was a 40 year media silence he was breaking, hahaha!

i happened to really like that episode, saw it the other night. and my guess is i'm really going to like this dude. if not, i blame BWD. and the Jews of course.

edit: okay read the first 35 pages of Vineland, that's some good shit!

I haven't read Vineland yet... it was his comeback after a 17 year hiatus. A bunch of people were expecting Gravity's Rainbow part 2, so they thought it was sub-par. Supposedly it's a fairly easy read and actually contains some characters from The Crying... (which I re-read t'other day) Mucho Maas I think.

Oh yeah, V. pretty much nothing like Ulysses, other than that it's weird.
Been reading Henry Miller's Tropic of Capricorn. I figured since Tropic of Cancer is one of my favorite novels, I should probably read the sequel. Not surprisingly, it's really fuckin' good.
Tropic of Capricorn FUCKING ruled. Definitely as good as Cancer, maybe even better. <3 <3 Miller

Bought these today:

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki
A Season in Hell and The Drunken Boat by Arthur Rimbaud
The Tibetian Book of the Dead
latest issue of Metal Maniacs
Vineland isn't amazing, but it is good. i'm about halfway through now.

oh yeah i got that House of Leaves book for xmas. it looks like Some of the Dharma which i've yet to go through.
Yeah, I've heard that Vineland isn't all that grand. Basically the verdict among Pynchonians is "it's not nearly as bad as some people thought when it came out, but it's not nearly as good as the rest." You should really try one of his first three. It's like having an introduction to Faulkner through Requiem For a Nun instead of The Sound and the Fury or As I Lay Dying. I haven't read his latest book, Mason & Dixon... some say it sucks, but Harold Bloom called it Pynchon's masterpiece. I dunno. Supposedly he's working on a new one, maybe coming out in a few months. Yay.