
Just picked up THE RECOGNITIONS by William Gaddis. Big-ass experimental novel from the 50s... Pynchon was very influenced by Gaddis. Can't believe I haven't read anything by this guy yet.
Right now I'm halfway through Ernst Jungers Storm of Steel and all I can say is "wow". If you read one account of WWI, read this one. Seriously. It's intelligent, witty, brutal and the author is extremly attentive to detail -- sometimes of the more bizarre kind. And moreover he's not a whiny pacifist ;)
And let me tell you something Dude, pascifism is NOT something to hide beh-- Look at our current situation with that camel-fucker in Iraq...
Finished Guenon's Spiritual Authority & Temporal Power last night.

I'm debating whether to jump right into his core metaphysical books right now, or to wait for a bit and read some other stuff (finish Milton's Paradise Lost, start Dante, read some Nietzsche, or more Evola instead)

Or I can wait for my recently ordered copy of Spengler's The Decline Of The West to come in ^_^
Eh, reading a couple of books a mate loaned to me. The Infernal Texts Nox & Liber Koth by Stephen Sennitt and The Gnostic Religion by Hans Jonas.
i'm takin this thread on a turn for the lowbrow to express my manlove for Uncle John's Bathroom Reader :rock:

Conspicuously Absent said:
Buy my buddies book bitches. It's fantasy, but not thaaat far out (yes, there is magic).

Yeah, it actually is going to help him pay his 4 year old daughter's medical bills. Cause he's kinda being raped by them. (two open heart surgery's and a pacemaker put in about a year ago)
:erk: :erk:
Yeah, the Alphabet of Manliness is going to kick all kinds of ass.

Also looking forward to South of the Butthouse by Les Claypool.

Also sorry about your friend's situation, sucks. :(
Well, I'm halfway through THE RECOGNITIONS (haven't read it in a week, been in jail and on vacation), but it will probably crack my top 10... I'm also working on a novella myself and the Gaddis/Pynchon zaniness is creeping into my narrative style for some reason (i.e. it's an amazing way to write if done right)
Yeah, I spent 13 hours in the slammer the other night. Sucked. They didn't even give us anything to read. No buttsex tho
I've been reading Terry Pratchett. Makes me feel like a fucking kid again. In the past 2 weeks I've read:

Carpe Jugulum
The Colour of Magic
Interesting Times
The Light Fantastic
Going Postal