

MajestikMøøse;6932345 said:
Coomaraswamy was nuts. I've never actually read any of his stuff though

Hehe, just in general or are you referring to something particular? He had some dealings with Alastair Crowley, who also stole his wife I believe, but whenever "The wickedest man in England" is involved, rumors are bound to thrive.
I'm re-reading Kafka's The Trial. Does anyone else here like Kafka?


No I haven't finished The God Delusion or The Weather Makers yet.....sometimes I'm reading like 5+ books at's all good.
Kafka is indeed excellent and also quite funny at times. I prefer The Castle to The Trial and I'll read Die Verwandlung pretty soon since it's part of my german course -- it's a shame I haven't done so earlier
Kafka is indeed excellent and also quite funny at times. I prefer The Castle to The Trial and I'll read Die Verwandlung pretty soon since it's part of my german course -- it's a shame I haven't done so earlier

Yeah it's so weird, when I read The Trial in high school, i didn't pick up on a lot of his humour---but now I do. Though when I read it previously I believe it was right after I read The Master and Margarita, and that book is hilarious at times. Now I'm reading it after months of non-fiction. =P

Don't get me wrong I love non-fiction...but its' really nice to have a fictional world to escape to and play in sometimes.

I'll have to pick up some more Kafka. I think i'll go order the Castle on amazonnn.
nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σίβυλλα τί θέλεις; respondebat illa: αποθανεῖν θέλω
I buy books produced for medical universities (like microbiology course) because those are really interesting for me... does that make me weird?