
It is, yes. So far, I'm not impressed. But I'm only a dozen pages in. The phraseology is very Adams, but the situations are not. I've decided to re-read Mostly Harmless again to get back into the spirit of it before giving this one another go.
MajestikMøøse;8641702 said:
On paper I study Greek and Latin linguistics and philology. In practice, I mostly work on the diachronic background of the Indo-European languages, with my main focus on the Greek and Anatolian sub-branches (although I'm also trying to get into Tocharian these days, but progress on that is slow since I'm doing it on the side and my main resources for that are in French and German).

Shit like Sproat's book are just superkool tools that help me do my work.

that's awesome but its all Esperanto to me.

let me know when you figure out what are the real roots of Hungarian as I speak it fluently but can never explain it to anyone

k thx :loco:

The Asian Saga book 5 of 6. already read Shogun, Tai-Pan, Gai-jin, King Rat and next is Whirlwind

if you are interested in heads gettin chopped, opium smuggling, piracy, Japan and Hong Kong through the ages, more heads gettin chopped, shady business practice, bribery, manipulation, espionage, feuds, duels, gambling, 'pillowing' (bangin whores), crazy chinese, crazy samurai, crazy arabs, crazy scots, etc. i very much recommend this series of books.

I was more than halfway done with it like last year when it got stolen at work (people stole fucking anything and everything at that job, you couldn't even leave your winter coat out without someone taking it). It took me so long to find another copy of it that I had to start over so I don't forget stuff. It takes a little bit to get into, but it's good so far.
damn those are some pretty good patches

edit: hmm

edit 2: wait how is this amebix' dish

i thought amebix ate garbage out of garbage cans

I was more than halfway done with it like last year when it got stolen at work (people stole fucking anything and everything at that job, you couldn't even leave your winter coat out without someone taking it). It took me so long to find another copy of it that I had to start over so I don't forget stuff. It takes a little bit to get into, but it's good so far.

I really dig that guys stuff. His non-fiction book, Stranger Than Fiction (No relation to the movie) was a good read as well.
Cat's Cradle is without a doubt one of the best books ever written. Surely you've read Slaughterhouse 5 at this point. The Sirens Of Titan is pretty fuckin' swell as well.
I've been meaning to read more Vonnegut ever since recognizing the awesomeness of Breakfast of Champions many years ago. Sadly, I haven't read anything else. One of these days..

It's been so long all I remember about that book now, though, is

and that it was a terrible movie with Bruce Willis.