
I just read Invisible Monsters and Fight Club and currently reading Survivor. Chuck Pahalniuk is awesome, loving his writing style. Up next I got Lullaby and Choke, thinking about buying a few more from his collection.
So I was thinking about buying a ring and then thought again and bought books :tickled:

1) "The Demons of Peace and the Gods of War: Social Conflicts of the Postcommunist Epoch" - by S. A. Makeev
2) "Olympio: The Life of Victor Hugo" - by Andre Mauroi
3) "My Life in Art" - by C.S. Stanislavski
Books I've read in the past 6 months or so


Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of the Wind (very good, will pick up the sequels asap)
Joe Abercrombie - The Heroes (as entertaining as ever, yet a bit of a disapointment how the last 20 or so pages were handled)

something else:

Victor Hugo - Les Misérables (well, fantastic story, fantastic narration and great historical background analysis)
Hector Berlioz - Mémoires (one of the very few autobiographies written by a composer of classical music, actually quite funny and sheds some light on the trials and tribulations of being a wannabe artist in a time of mounting materialism)
Ray Bradbury - Farenheit 451 (finally got around to reading this, maybe less edifying from a modern perspective than Brave new World or 1984, but still totally essential)
Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of the Wind (very good, will pick up the sequels asap)

My homie just recommended this the other day. I'm not really into fantasy novels, but I keep hearing good things. Maybe I will pick it up, once I read the 8 or so other things on my list.

Read in the last few weeks...

THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE - Shirley Jackson. One of the greatest horror novels I've ever read, one of those that truly transcends the genre. Every bit as good as the movie (the old one).

FROM HELL - Alan Moore. You can never go wrong with Moore, but this might be the best. Like all of his other graphic novels, it is about 8 billion times better than the coathanger abortion that is the movie. A bit expensive to buy new, but worth every penny.
someone reco'd me One Hundred Years of Solitude ... a potential client actually, telling me that characters with my name's roots are littered throughout.

i know this book from a long time ago ... it seems to me like the Spanish War and Peace ... is it worth it? will I be blown away by it?
someone reco'd me One Hundred Years of Solitude ... a potential client actually, telling me that characters with my name's roots are littered throughout.

i know this book from a long time ago ... it sees to me like the Spanish War and Peace ... is it worth it? will I be blown away by it?
I loved it. Yet I admit that although Marquez is one of my fave writers - sometimes I wished him bad during reading, because time after time it was a bit over the top. There are like 359 guys with the same name - Aureliano...
BUT, it IS worth reading.
Not sure if you've ever read Marquez, but if not - I'd recommend you some short stories by him too. He has this magic style, where unreal things happen in real life and he states it like it's a normal thing, he is unique. I was about to buy another book by him today, but I still haven't read everything I have by him, soI decided to wait.
I think you should try :)
thanks, yeah shoot me some short story recommendations from him. I'd like to try that first before a full length.
I hate Marquez. Not because I hate his writing itself, but because he spawned about 8 billion other shitty "magical realist" writers. And that's just in graduate-level writing classes.
He must be just too inspiring. I've read Isabel Allende's book "House Of Spirits" - it was not bad at all.

Aurel here you go:

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
Eyes of a Blue Dog
The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship

and I'll add other ones tomorrow
Recently finished:
The Ego Tunnel: The Science of The Mind and The Myth of The Self (Metzinger)
Language In Thought And Action (Hayakawa)
Stepping Out Of Self Deception (Smith)

Now reading:
Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness (Rosenblum, Kuttner)
He must be just too inspiring. I've read Isabel Allende's book "House Of Spirits" - it was not bad at all.

Aurel here you go:

The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World
A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
Eyes of a Blue Dog
The Last Voyage of the Ghost Ship

and I'll add other ones tomorrow

thanks! I'll check one of those out. although this "magical" bit all you guys mention doesn't sound like my thing.
This right here made me order the book. It's very good, I'm about 2/3 through now. Was about to order the sequel but the paperback doesn't come out till March next year. I hate hardcovers. :waah:

same... also I usually avoid launching into ongoing series, as I prefer reading a story back to back than having to pick up the thread (and the mood) again by waiting years between volumes. But in that case a friend lent it to me with the warmest recommendation, so I read it.

Today I'll start reading Arthur Machen's Great God Pan. Time to have a look at where Lovecraft allegedly came from.
I finally read 1984. I guess it could be seen as a good thing that the only English books they have here are Twilight, Harry Potter, Tom Clancy, and old classics. I'll finally get around to these classics I've been meaning to read forever.