
so who got books for christ-mass, i did

sartre, "nausea" and "the last chance" (roads to freedom iv)
the collected fairy-tales of the grimm brothers
and the enuma elish in english

also i bought other books recently, currently almost finished with "siddhartha" by hermann hesse which is awesome as it supports my theory that all philosophy/religion/systems of belief are worthless in the pursuit of life wisdom, or whatever you want to call it

more by lagerkvist. love lagerkvist. and uh, kalevala, the finnish national epic that amorphis love a lot. not sure if i'm going to read all of it but it is a good one to own and read a little bit of now and then, it has a lot of beautiful language even in swedish translation
also i bought other books recently, currently almost finished with "siddhartha" by hermann hesse which is awesome as it supports my theory that all philosophy/religion/systems of belief are worthless in the pursuit of life wisdom, or whatever you want to call it

ITT Erik becomes a hippie and starts listening to Yes.

My grandmother got me some book called The Christmas Jars :lol:
sartre, "nausea"

my night-table book par excellence. I thought the Road to Freedom series had three books. At least in the French edition...

I got one book for Christmas from a cousin: The Windward Horde by Alain Damasio. Supposedly one of the major books in French SF. It sure has an original narrative technique with over twenty different first-person characters... Although I seldom read SF anymore, it's always nice to have one or two of the genre in the supply cabinet for vacation times.

atm reading Andrei Tarkovski's Sculpting in Time, his be-all-end-all compendium on the essence and role of cinema. Quite enlightening.
I thought the Road to Freedom series had three books. At least in the French edition...
eh this is what's up

"In 1938, Jean-Paul Sartre began Roads of Freedom, the novel cycle that would become his chronicle of the war years and, with Nausea, the elaboration of his philosophy. He abandoned the project as a trilogy in the 1950s, with two fragments of a further volume uncollected. This first English publication combines those fragments – Strange Friendship and The Last Chance – with explanatory notes and generous critical padding. As a continuation of Roads of Freedom, Craig Vasey's gritty translation will be of most interest to students of Sartre; it offers only hints at the directions a fourth volume may have taken in story and style, but those familiar with the earlier instalments will find a few surprises among its reassembled shards."
Got some sweet Christmas books:

Cormac McCarthy - The Orchard Keeper
Cormac McCarthy - Outer dark
Cormac McCarthy - Suttree
Cormac McCarthy - Child of God

(My parents know what I like)

And this amazing tome from my girlfriend:

As there seem to be many Westerbotnians here, I highly recommend to you the book Äldreomsorgen i Övre Kågedalen, by Niclas Lundkvist aka Nikanor Teratologen, one of the most deprived and evil books ever written. If you're familiar with the Vertigo publishing company perhaps you've heard of it already.
As there seem to be many Westerbotnians here, I highly recommend to you the book Äldreomsorgen i Övre Kågedalen, by Niclas Lundkvist aka Nikanor Teratologen, one of the most deprived and evil books ever written. If you're familiar with the Vertigo publishing company perhaps you've heard of it already.

i've heard of it and looked through it at a store, it was VERY OBSCENE. maybe some day i'll read it

the same guy also re-translated "also sprach zarathustra" into swedish and released it on h:ström which is interesting because the old translation which i have is really cumbersome

edit: also you mean "depraved" not "deprived". enjoy today's englisch lesson
I was in a good mood all the way through reading it, I wouldn't recommend it if you're depressed as it will probably only make things worse. But otherwise I love reading about DEPRAVED(:)) human beings.
Just finished reading Jules Verne "Voyage au Centre de la Terre," which took about two months to finish. Going to start "Le Rouge et le Noir" by Stendhal today, going to be quite a challenge.

Highly recommend "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency" by Douglas Adams.