
I'm currently reading The Year's Best Science Fiction: 28th Annual Collection edited by Gardner Dozois. There's a story in here that is from the perspective of the alien from The Thing. It was pretty great and ended with some of the best lines ever.

"These poor savage things will never embrace salvation.
I will have to rape it into them."

Anybody else read these SF collections? I love them.
I'm currently reading The Year's Best Science Fiction: 28th Annual Collection edited by Gardner Dozois. There's a story in here that is from the perspective of the alien from The Thing. It was pretty great and ended with some of the best lines ever.

"These poor savage things will never embrace salvation.
I will have to rape it into them."

Anybody else read these SF collections? I love them.
Holy fuck that is outstanding. Every time I watch The Thing it gets better and better, I should read that.

I've been reading Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell for the past whatever months. Quite good. Not amazing but damn enjoyable.

Finally finished Transmetropolitan earlier this year, not sure why it took me so god damn long. Hilarious. Frightening. Awesome.

I read Walden a little bit ago. I hope I go live off the lake someday. Just for a little while.

Gargantua and Pantegruel was a earlier this year, the first book anyhow. Funny, ridiculous stuff.

Nausea by Sartre was okay. I don't like his writing nearly as much as his plays. I think I read my first Kafka book around the same time, The Trial. Pretty god damn funny the whole time, and then the last 10 pages were utterly horrifying. I'm not sure if I'll continue on either of those paths, but I'm glad I tried.

Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson is up next. Either that or the Conan The Barbarian collection I've been meaning to get around to for a spell.

I'm always reading some Lovecraft. Make that re-reading, I think I've read all of them at least once at this point. Rats In The Walls :notworthy
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson is up next.

Are you referring to the occult tome by G.I. Joe Gurdjieff? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT, SON. Not only is it 2,000 pages, but is goddamn incomprehensible. It's like a sci-fi novel by Carl Jung re-interpreted by 5th graders.

Just finished a biography of Jeff Dahmer. That dude was one fascinating motherfucker. Also read Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury. One of the worst books I've ever read. Overwritten horse shit.

...and "The Rats in the Walls" was the best thing Lovecraft ever wrote. I believe he even said so himself.

Also midway through The Mysteries of Udolpho (supposedly the first gothic novel ever written). It's purty good, yo, and actually got me laid.
Currently about 350 pages into GRRM's "A Feast for Crows"

A Song of Ice and Fire has been a really fun series. Goes without saying that the writing isn't always spectacular but I think he is improving as he gets through the series.
Currently about 350 pages into GRRM's "A Feast for Crows"

A Song of Ice and Fire has been a really fun series. Goes without saying that the writing isn't always spectacular but I think he is improving as he gets through the series.

I started on A Dance with Dragons yesterday, really like these books. Unfortunately you learn to expect the unexpected though, the best part early in (SPOILER WARNING) was when (MEGA SPOILER WARNING) people you thought would live died and everything got turned upside down.
A Song of Ice and Fire is an unruly series. Yes, you learn to expect the unexpected but that still leaves a huge shock factor. The 3rd book has been my favorite thus far. Hopefully the next book doesn't take 4 years to drop.
Are you referring to the occult tome by G.I. Joe Gurdjieff? GOOD LUCK WITH THAT, SON. Not only is it 2,000 pages, but is goddamn incomprehensible. It's like a sci-fi novel by Carl Jung re-interpreted by 5th graders.
Yeah, I noticed that pretty quickly. And now you're scaring me, haven't you read Gravity's Rainbow like 7 times?!

Instead I'm reading Stephen Hawking. Also a book called Fortress that I bought at WonderCon.
finished my last book months ago but havent started another one. i got some fancy new driod fone around the same time so now i play angry birds or read web comics on the crapper instead like a good lazy amurican.
Anyone else ever read "The Slayer Mag Diaries." It was cool seeing the Slayer magazine reprints, but it was kind of a harsh memoir of John/Metalion recounting his complete submersion of identity in extreme music and then losing his sense of self as the scene imploded. Was a fascinating perspective to me, his version of events in the Norwegian scene seem the most honest and non-romanticized.
744 pages? 75 pages?

do they have it at the library?
Finished that Stephen Hawking book, The Universe in a Nutshell. First non-fiction I've read in years. Pretty neat stuff, I learned a lot.

Also that Fortress book was really fucking good.

Recently read God Bless You Jack Kevorkian and Galapagos by Vonnegut, fuck me that dude "got" it. Jebus freakin' christ. I think I've read more Vonnegut than any other author, and he's one of the only writers that I, quite literally, LOL whilst going through his musings.

Next up will be some Kipling collection because I just watched The Man Who Would Be King and that shit kicked my dick in.

Also going to read the next Fables I'm up to, that is pretty awesome but I only read about one collection per year. Could easily just dive right into it like Sandman if I wanted to though, very very very good stuff.

I have Alan Moore's Voice of the Fire and The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris staring at me daily, will probably start one or both of those soon. Also I want to read Frankenstein again because it's been like 16 years and I didn't like it back then. Need to revisit my opinion, man.

Read some weird comics today: The Inner Sanctum and Cry. I also have two X-files comics to peruse shortly as well. But for now I'm eating crackers, and when that is done, I think I'll go jerk off.
Finally started reading that Conan the Barbarian collection by Robert E. Howard.


That dude was an amazing writer. I was hoping for fun, much like, you know, everything else Conan.

I didn't expect something so lyrical and poetic. Completely beautiful, didn't see that coming at all.

I should be reading that instead of eating my way through post-rehearsal insomnia.