Actually, now that I've had some time to ponder, I’ve realized that a few things about this book really rustled my jimmies.
So, in an effort not to Pull A Swizzle, I’d like to announce that there are
1) Why was Flagg/Walter killed off so easily? This sets up Mordred as some kind of HUGE BADASS, and that there will be an EPIC SHOWDOWN at the end with huge implications to the ka-tet and...
2) ...he is killed quite easily after being fended off by a billy bumbler. What brought the end of this "little god"? A couple of bullets.
3) Speaking of anticlimactic showdowns: the Crimson King--whose power extends throughout the worlds, who has set in motion all these forces to destroy the Beams, who has had armies under his power for hundreds of years, who apparently possesses some kind of Mad Psychic Skills, an entity we have been anticipating for thousands of pages--ends up being a bomb-throwing Father Christmas who got stuck on a Tower balcony like a stoner who accidentally locks himself out of the house. How unimaginative can you possibly get? I didn’t have a huge problem with Danville’s erasing of him (though it was cheap as hell), but maybe it’s because I love Insomnia so much, and it makes that book even more important in the grand scheme of things. But still... this has got to be the anticlimax to end all anticlimaxes. Andy the Robot was more dangerous and terrifying than the Crimson King.
Luckily, King plans on re-writing each book (as he's already done with The Gunslinger). There is no question that the final three volumes were rushed as hell. But here’s my question: if he was SO WORRIED about not finishing the series before he died, yet was able to finish the first drafts of them, why didn't he sit back and make them PERFECT before publishing them? I mean... if he croaked during that time, AT LEAST he would die knowing there was some finished version of the story sitting on his desk, waiting to be published post-humously. WHY did he rush them out the way he did? WHY?
The best hope is that he pulls (makes) a Stand and re-writes the last three volumes and gives them the proper polishing they deserve. While on drugs. But he's already disappointed millions of captivated followers. Is he hoping we're all gonna re-read this shit 20 years down the road? That the "next generation" of readers will be ignorant of the cheap, unpolished shittiness of the things I listed above? Who the fuck knows. All I know is this: we readers deserved better, goddammit.
I have a feeling that the sequel to The Shining, which comes out early next year (Dr. Sleep), is gonna suck giant giraffe dick, and somehow find a way to ruin the first one.
Someone please respond. Anyone. Even dorian with a
