
I need to read more Clive Barker. Been reading CABAL this morning, and am more than a little impressed. Fantastic atmosphere, smooth prose, and absolutely no desire for "realism." Good shit.
I bought a Clive Barker book recently, after watching all 9 Hellraiser movies in one week. That sucked in many ways.

Currently reading Dante's Inferno, it's pretty fucked up. About to start on Lost Girls by Alan Moore, and then the non-Harry Potter JK Rowling thang.

Also read Frankenstein a few months ago, it blew my fucking mind with amazingness. So god damn good, I was a fool to say "this sucks" in high school.
I need to read more Clive Barker. Been reading CABAL this morning, and am more than a little impressed. Fantastic atmosphere, smooth prose, and absolutely no desire for "realism." Good shit.

Actually, this story has turned into a real groaner. It reminds me of why I pretty much gave up genre fiction long ago. Just another excellent stylist without an ounce of depth to his characters. :bah:
Anyone here into Arthur Machen? He's a lot like Lovecraft if he were a pagan and a better stylist. Been going through his 1890s work and some of it is pretty great. I'd highly recommend that everyone read his story "The Great God Pan." Some real creepy shit there.

Also been going through every Sandman volume (Gaiman). Wowza.
Anyone here into Arthur Machen?

yes. TGGP is is one of the great pieces of Victorian bizarre litterature alongside Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Stoker's Dracula. I also agree that it foreshadows a lot of what pre-Cthulhu mythos Lovecraft is about (more oneiric tales than graphic horror).

Also enjoyed The Hill of Dreams, very good account of childhood memories meeting nature worship and paganism
Sweet! I can always count on you in the paganism dept. I have three volumes of his collected works; I just finished the first. Also dug The Impostors, though it was a bit too jumbled to be truly satisfactory. Still, the dude is immensely readable. Some of his passages rival Hardy and the Brontes in terms of majestic descriptions of nature. Have you read any Algernon Blackwood? Thinking about starting on him next......
Hmm I should check this Machen guy out.

Finally started enjoying Poe. Took me long enough.

Sandman is amazing. Took me 6 months to fully absorb the ending.
I'm reading Tolkien's Unfinished Tales now. After that I'll probably read The Silmarillion for a second time, because I'm really overdue for that particular study.

Tonight I'm going to go see the new Hobbit movie, which from what I've heard contains only 40.7% Tolkien-related material. Kind of a shame, but whatever.