

Anyone interested in the bubonic plague? The 1666 fire of London? Both? I could reco some books if ya want. I'm reading one right now that is about the history of blood transfusions which took place about the same time as those events. Written by a Vanderbilt prof. I've probably had an affair with her and just forgot.
i still read every dune book. im on Paul of Dune, then itll be Winds of Dune, then Mentats of Dune

i want to try some spice
I would like to read something again someday that doesn't have anything to do with health care
Hey how big is the Phoenix show? Do they actually focus on comics still instead of movie tie-ins? I stopped going to Comic-Con years ago because it is just too god damn massive, plus they don't really do comics anymore, which is fucking weak. I just do WonderCon now, which has enough movie stuff to be fun, but is still mostly about actual comics. I also ask because my drinking buddy / librarian / fellow nerd / awesome friend is moving to Las Cruces this weekend, since her and I generally 'con things up, and Phoenix is smack dab between us... startin' to smell a possible road trip next year.
Hey how big is the Phoenix show? Do they actually focus on comics still instead of movie tie-ins? I stopped going to Comic-Con years ago because it is just too god damn massive, plus they don't really do comics anymore, which is fucking weak. I just do WonderCon now, which has enough movie stuff to be fun, but is still mostly about actual comics. I also ask because my drinking buddy / librarian / fellow nerd / awesome friend is moving to Las Cruces this weekend, since her and I generally 'con things up, and Phoenix is smack dab between us... startin' to smell a possible road trip next year.
This year total attendance was around 70k. So this the 5th biggest in the US but nowhere as no as SDCC, New York, or Emerald City. Definitely has less Hollywood fixation and more true nerd/comic/geek events, this year the had the majority if the Adam West Batman cast, lots of great writers, Bruce-fucking-Campbell, and awesome events. They get a lot of comic writers and artists which is refreshing, they tend to spotlight them more than at SDCC.