
I could never get into Clive Barker for whatever reason.

@Walden: isn't that the shit where the dude gets all naturey but turned out to just be squatting on his Mom's property?
i love his works. some more than others. he's a much better writer than King. King just knows how to tell a good story, and is much easier to read than Barker's crazy ass descriptions of other worlds and the use of magic.

Barker's works require a LOT of imagination on the reader's part
i love his works. some more than others. he's a much better writer than King. King just knows how to tell a good story, and is much easier to read than Barker's crazy ass descriptions of other worlds and the use of magic. Barker's works require a LOT of imagination on the reader's part

I have to agree with this. And I am definitely getting that book.
Someone recommend a short but good book by Blackwood. I've been meaning to check him out for a long time and I probably should read something that isn't at least 200 years old every now and then.
Someone recommend a short but good book by Blackwood. I've been meaning to check him out for a long time and I probably should read something that isn't at least 200 years old every now and then.

He's pretty much all short stories, though many are long-ish. Here's the collection I went for, and loved every page:


Currently discovering Clark Ashton Smith. He's HPL's best bro, and writes similar stuff. Check him out too. And Arthur Machen!

The best horror literature came from the early 1900s. FACT.
Walden is fantastic. Thoreau didn't advocate natural existence as a permanent solution, so I always thought that distinction removed him from the romantic notion that we should all return to our poo-flinging primate pasts.

I've only read Barker's first three Books of Blood, but god dammit, those are absolutely terrifying. Rawhead Rex continues to haunt my dreams, although I've heard that the movie is pure drivel. So, I'm excited to watch it.

I've been reading some rock n' roll ghost story collection recently and Lovecraft (always). The ghost story thing isn't particularly well written, but hey, it's been fantastic whilst perched upon the shitter each morning.

hmmm, not his best or worst. Pinhead is still cool as hell (pun intended), but I wish he had been sent off with a bit more flair.

the book just seems incomplete, like it was chopped in the editing room or something. barkers crazy ass descriptions and vivid detail was missing.

it's no Imajica, Weaveworld, or Sacrament
I read a good article on Rush today in "Rolling Stone". It's the first time I picked that magazine up since the very early 90s when the issue I was reading during a haircut had a readers poll and Phil Fucking Collins was ranked as the best rock drummer. I literally threw that issue across the barber shop.
You could have made that argument in 1975.

Which makes sense. That's where Rolling Stone (and its readers) still exist.
His work on the first few genesis albums is pretty spectacular.

As well as some other jazzy shit he did.....but this was maybe 1991. Dude hadn't played actual drums in probably 5 years at that point. The readers were just like "drummer? Fuck. I don't know.....Phil Collins! Yeah! That sounds good!"
Almost finished with 2010: Odyssey Two

This shit is awesome. I love sci-fi. Recommendations when Im done with this series? Need good sci-fi like Dune, Odyssey, etc. Not fantasy bullshit like game of thrones and elves and fairies.
/\ Never picked that up, but the cover makes for great toilet paper.

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