

Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
Does anyone here read a book, or books? (at the moment)
I'm reading Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, I started with that instead to continue with some other books (I got like 3 or 4 books halfread, and two I haven't started with).

Tom Clancy and Stephen King is almost the only writers i read, it started with Stephen King's The Green Mile (I read it on English!), and then i bought two other of King's books (one halfread, one not even started), and then i got my eyes for Clancy, I bought Rainbow Six, and I've also got another book, but I don't know what the title in English is (not started with either) I've got TONS to read on the summer! :lol:

So, what do you read then?

I am in the process of reading Jake Arnotts second book titled "We Kill Coppers" basically a sixties London Gangster story following on roughly from his first book which I read recently "The Long Firm".

Other authors I like are, John Grisham, Nick Hornby and Irvine Welsh.

I have also read all the Harry Potter books and I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed them as I didn't think I would.

Other than that I read Footballers Autobiographies, and Rock Stars autobiographies I can recommend The Motley Crue book "The Dirt" and Lemmy's "White Line Fever".

I've read the three first Harry Potter books, they were good, but I like the thriller kind of books more :grin:
The only fantasy I've read is a half David Eddings book, and like 30 pages in The Lord of The Rings (big one, it's three inch thick, I can't read it! :lol: )
Books, huh? Reading is another one of my favourites....

Terry Pratchett's Discworld books are fantastic. I have to admit, my favourite characters are the one who TALKS LIKE THIS...and the Librarian. Oooook!

If you've not read any of his, read 'Soul Music'. Death on the proto-motorbike is an absolutely classic mental image. Plus the drummer will crack you up. Promise.

I've just finished reading 'His Dark Materials' series by Philip Pullman; they're marketed as books for teenagers but don't be fooled; they're brilliant. Jumping between parallell universes, a war between Heaven and living creatures, and places where your soul isn't in your body; it is an animal which accompanies you everywhere, called a daemon.

Very very good!

Lord of The Rings I haven't read for years.....sci fi is another favourite. Robert A Heinlein is a bloody fantastic author; 'Starship Troopers' is one of his, and is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the film.

Try one. You'll never regret it!
@ Crusader : David Eddings is my fav writer, The Belgarion (I think thats the english title?) is v v v v v good!

@BassFerret : Ive read 'The Northern Lights' by Philip Pullman, I think its amazing! its a shame they dont have the other books of that series over here...
Yeah! It's the first book of the "Belgarion" series I'm reading (or read...). It says the original english title is "Book One of The Belgariad, Pawn of Prophecy.
Here's some qoutes of the Rainbow Six book, it can give you an idea how it's told... :)
Weber got the other one; his head exploded like a melon when it got hit from the gunbullet.
Thereby Lincoln got a free sight, he fired a second burst of bullets. These bullets hit simultaneously with a second gunbullet from Weber's semiautomatic sniper rifle,and this terrorist's head seemed to dissapeir.
It's much violence as you see... :Saint: But it's much story and research behind it all. I'm on the 219:th page, of 790!
And, BassFerret, I maybe try one of those books, but first I must finish the five I have!
My older brother has a big collection of Edding's books, he has the whole Balgarion series (pocket) -I borrowed the book from him, and some other of Edding's book series.
You know I have not used this forum for couple of weeks.puter went and broke coud'nt get back on the board.When get back Pax still has a (un)healthy love for biff and everything is back to normal.
As for books after a long wait the greatest auther of all time(Robert Mccammon)writes a new book.I have trying to buy it on Amozon for about a month but they wanted 100$ for it bollox to that said I. I eventually find it for £20 then pay for it and the bastards did evan knock on my front door this morning and I can't get to post office till friday,but I suppose after 10 years I can live.:Shedevil:
Kind of Partial to the classic books by Huxley, Shaw, Tolkin, Biographys about musicains lives, trying to get my hands on the Phil Lynott story but it's hard to come by here in America and... anything having to do with political commentary as of lately, just finished a book by Denish D'Souza

Crusader said:
Does anyone here read a book, or books? (at the moment)
I'm reading Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, I started with that instead to continue with some other books (I got like 3 or 4 books halfread, and two I haven't started with).

Tom Clancy and Stephen King is almost the only writers i read, it started with Stephen King's The Green Mile (I read it on English!), and then i bought two other of King's books (one halfread, one not even started), and then i got my eyes for Clancy, I bought Rainbow Six, and I've also got another book, but I don't know what the title in English is (not started with either) I've got TONS to read on the summer! :lol:

So, what do you read then?
delize said:
Steven King!
I have all his books and some movies.
He's the MAN!

Which are his best? You seem to have much experience of King if you read all his books! As I said I've read The Green Mile, and halfread The girl who loved tom gordon, and have Bag of Bones lying in my bookshelf unread....

Start out with his older books. His writing style changed as he got older. The first book I ever read was 'Pet Cemetary' and I was hooked. You can find a book list on the net...just do a S.K. search. It's hard to tell someone what his best is. I started reading his books as a teenager. I like his Dark Tower series. I like his short stories. I like his Richard Bachman books (he wrote under this name too) I like his screen plays! The only book I never liked was Eyes of the Dragon.

I hope I helped a little.