Borknagar live in Kristiansand


Jun 2, 2002
Hmm, I don't think this concert went so well..
The arrangement turned out to be a non-alcoholic one, and if you had drinken a couple of beers before you came you might be denied to get in. I was told to breath on one of the guards before entering and luckely I had a gum in my mouth. hehe. I saw that many metalheads didn't get in because of that their breath had an essence of alcohol............

Borknagar played just half of the songs on the setlist and the artists seemed to be pissed of and dissapointed because unfortunatly there were not so many people. Just 1/3 of the limit or something and there were only 10 or 20 people rocking.

Anyway it was cool to hear them but I think it was bad that they just played 3 songs from their new album and so many old songs....

Unfortunatly I didn't manage to shoot any pictures...
if i was in the band i would also have been pissed off if people that showed up for the gig was sent away because of beerbreath!

how was scariot? heard an excellent demo of them once...
Yea, I understand them...

Scariot was really cool. They were VERY skilled, the only minus was their drummer. He was not so tight.. They just played to have a good time instead of being pissed over the cirumstances as Borknagar seemed to be...
Is it a common thing in Norway to check if ppl consumed alcohol before letting them into the venue? If so, is this because it is prohibited and ppl should have known they were not being let into the venue otherwise? I've never heard of that rule before.

Originally posted by Futhark
Borknagar played just half of the songs on the setlist and the artists seemed to be pissed of and dissapointed because unfortunatly there were not so many people.

I would have been pissed as well but what about that setlist thing? They only played half of the setlist?? If that was true I'd be rather disappointed as a fan who attended that gig.
In the Oslo-thread you confirmed the setlist Blackspirit put on her site though.
Now...did they play the whole show or not? :confused:
hmm, they didn't play the three last songs on that setlist. I was a bit wrong there, but stilll they cut three songs. And they seemed to be dissapointed and pissed over something all the time, so they didn't give the audience everything they got....
But the concert was ok I guess... Vintersorg tried to get people rocking but without any alcohol there were only 10-20 people rocking including me. hehehe...

I have seen the same thing from arrangements like that, but profesional artists handles it like profesionals and give everything they got because they know that some people have paid to see them...

I must say that Vintersorg were the only one who really tried to get the crowd with him. The other ones just seemed to be drunk and were very boring. hehehe...
At some point in the concert it felt like he didn't fit into the rest of the band, because they acted very "static" and in their own world instead of really give everything they got...

An ok but boring concert, I was disapointed about their unappealing attitude and how static the rest of the band were exept of Vintersorg and the drummer of course...
But it was cool to see them and hear some songs. ;)
Wow. I have never heard of this "beer breath" stuff. Here, they sell beer at all the venues. They are 18 or over, but they never check ID. If you don't have one (I am 16) They just put an X on your hand and you are free to go in. Seems like there would have been tons of more people there if it wasn't for that "beer breath".
Futhark! Where was the gig? It was like this during the
Quartfestival as well, when they had that metal club...
I don't get it. The only other place I've been through
something similar was when I was 16 and people weren't
allowed to drink. But hell, when people are grown up I
don't see the point....

BUT! You're demanding more of the crowd I see... Well, I
should let you know that there were like NOONE rocking
out when they played in Oslo! lol. It was like, one or two
people headbanging now and then. People enjoy different
songs, so they take off on different songs, right? Well, it
was like people were coming out of the closet to different
tunes >:eek:P hehe... But Borknagar still did a great gig, and
I don't understand how Tyr can headbang like that.
I swear, one day his head will fall off! Lol >:eek:P

Still, it sucks that you didn't enjoy the show all too much,
Borknagar are brilliant, but beer is always a must.
(Coming from the girl who don't drink... >:eek:P~)
The gig was in a place called "Bingen". It was for people 15+ and there were no beer or other stuff served because of that and I find that ok. But still it's sick to not allow people because they have taken some beers BEFORE they enter.. In practise that also means that they not can allow the artists to drink, but I doubt that. hehehe...

And yes I am disapointed about a mulky crowd who just stood static, but I'm also disapointed of how static the two guitarists and the bassist were. Vintersorg jumped around, but when the others were så "mutt" than it just looked weird. They should have practised a better scene-show.. A good scene show is not about placing one foot on the monitor and just band your head... That's my opinion. I've been expecting something else from a great band as they are.. Maybe they're just to old to move their feets. hehehe

Another thing is that I don't see any reason not to play all of their songs on the setlist. Many people had paid for a full show..... and they should have showed them the respect eventhough many negative factors may have influnced them.. They could just have acted profesionaly played and had fun instead of having that mulky attitude...

But as I said I enjoyed the concert and rocked like hell(without much alchol consumed, hehe), but I had expected a better show from a great name like Borknagar...
Hey Futhark - that setlist you saw was for all the gigs WITHOUT support band. In Kristiansand we had (the great) Scariot on stage before us so we didn't see any reason to play all 75-80 minutes. However - if people had screamed for more in stead of leaving right after we got off stage then we would of course have considered playing a song or two more.

- Asgeir
I agree... sucky sucky place. hehe

Oki... But were you pissed of by the non-alcoholic arrangement thing? Vintersorg seemed so careless between the songs. He just mumbled "tack så mkt" and saw down at the floor. And when the guitarists and the one on bass were so static and uncarasmatic while playing(just one foot on the monitor and headbanging), we all got that feeling of that you just wanted to do a decent job, do it as quick as possible and than leave. hehe..

I've never seen you live before so maybe the way of "scene show" and the attitude is something you always have had, so sorry if I got you wrong...
Originally posted by Morgana
I don't need drinks to bang... never understand those people who thinks fun starts with having a beer... I have it without...
yeah... i don`t see the point in it either.. why does anybody need alcohol to have a good time on a concert?:confused:
I always try to do my best performance, but at shows like Kristiansand, it's very hard to get over the treshold when you just flip out and get euphoric and just master the stage.....

But yesterday in Aas, I was on the edge to that.....but then again there very alot of people, and very enthusiastic ones.

mr V
Originally posted by Mocika
yeah... i don`t see the point in it either.. why does anybody need alcohol to have a good time on a concert?:confused:

Well I do drink now and then on gigs, too. Mainly when I'm not the driver, but most of times I drive, so I stay away from alcohol.
But no matter if I drink or not I act the same...
ok, maybe I get more quiet when I'm drunk... :lol:
Originally posted by Vintersorg
I always try to do my best performance, but at shows like Kristiansand, it's very hard to get over the treshold when you just flip out and get euphoric and just master the stage.....

But yesterday in Aas, I was on the edge to that.....but then again there very alot of people, and very enthusiastic ones.

mr V

I totally relate.
I played in a bar band here in Fargo for something over a year. This was a country/rock band with a female singer. Do you know how tough it is for a metal-ish guitarist to keep interest when playing lame-o country songs to almost no people? Fortunately, most of the bars had TV's in them, so I could just watch TV through the first three hours, then the last hour I could play fun Van Halen and Ac/Dc covers which required my attention (and vocals)
That alchohol fascism in Norway is pretty bad. If they had that in Finnish clubs, nobody could get in. Hell, one time I was drinking in the toilet of a club, and an employee walked in. He took the bottle, had a drink, and thanked me... You have to be really, really, drunk to be denied entry.