Borknagar live in Kristiansand

Oki, but if you intend to a rock festival you'll see artists who are "masters of the stage" even though there ain't much life in the audience. It's a matter of how professional you are and how much planned the show is...
Take artists like No Doubt. The music is not exactly my favourite but to see them live is awesome because they have so much carisma and energy.. Every tiny thing is planned...
But of course these bands have a management and a crew behind them who says how everything shall be, but still when I see artists like Dimmu, Finntroll, Einherjer, Windir and Nightwish live, they have an "image" and it seems like live you don't carry out that image you show on pictures in the cd-booklet.....

I must say I'd expected more "show" to the music. Than just to play the songs and not have an "image" and all that -live-...
You're a great studio band and have your own thing, but my opinon is that the live performance don't have it's own thing...
But it was very cool to see you live, even though I'd expected more from a great name like Borknagar.
You think Windir has an image on stage? What is it that
they do that is so special? If you ask me, all they do is
stand there, and headbang every once in a while >:oP
hehe... Just had to point that one out! :o)
Definitely! :o)

But the way I see it: I don't expect a jumping Vintersorg,
hell I don't even want one. Borknagar is 100% about the
music, if it was up to me I don't even have to SEE them,
I just want to hear... That's the difference between Borkis
and No Doubt! Lol >:oD

Seriously, what did you expect? Are you able to play
like Borknagar and dance around? I know I would have
trouble doing so >:oP Have you ever seen Opeth? They
hardly even move on stage, I guess you would be bored
out of your mind...

But for me, it's the music, I want to hear if they can do
live what they have so masterfully done on record. Do they
change anything? Which songs do the band find important
enough to play? etc.

What do you think about hard-core bands? The guys who
crush a guitar every time they play live and so on? Do you
find that amusing as well? I dunno... I guess we're just
different on this :o) Sometimes a good stageshow is
needed, and sometimes it's all music for me :o) But yeah,
I see your point....

And one more thing: We all react differently to music.
Some headbang, some dance, some stand still etc.
I think this goes for the guys on stage as well?
Of course people react different to music...
And I've actually seen Opeth live. Very boring yes... hehe. I find it more entertaining to listening to their records instead of seing them live.

And some good hardcore bands who play good music and throws their guitars everywhere is really kicking!
I saw the punkband Dropkick Murphys live on Quart this summer and the music had very much positive energy and all the bandmembers were very carasmatic... it was very cool to see.

Maybe we're different yes.. =)
I expect a good entertaining show from the artist aswell as a well performance, and maybe you are satisfied with a good performance of the songs... but if I want a good performance of the songs, I'll just listen to the cd ;) hehe we have to make a discussion on a very obvious subject...........????????

about Futhark's quote...."Every tiny thing is planned... "

I don't want to go to a show where every things is planned in detail....that's boring and dull, musicians should act and respond of the moments that happens during the show. We can play and do a good deal of physical acting as well, but when you don't get any respons from a crowd of 78 people(yes, that's the number from Kristiansand)it's like a rehearsal,sadly. I try to motivate myself, but at the end it doesn't really work...and I say that every person that have experienced it would agree.....

And about the whole alcohol thing....what do we as a band have to do with that???...we're not setting up the rules, if it's an none alcho thing and you want to get in, be shure that you don't drink...simplest of equations......don't get this wrong, but I don't understand the discussion about it??

mr V
Still if every tiny thing about the performance and things in the show is planned, of course improvisation is good when things happen and how the crowd reacts and stuff, but to have a "batte-plan" I figure is good..

Ok the crowd were 78 people and the audience really SUCKED, and I didn't knew when I came that it was illegal to have taken a beer or two before entering. I saw many people who were refused to get in, and if I played in a band I would be pissed of if some fans couldn't enter because they'd taken some beers.(especially when they maybe had paid for the ticket and really wanted to see the concert). The info about that this was an alcohol free arrangement, was bad... but that's not your fault but the arrangers fault...

"I try to motivate myself, but at the end it doesn't really work...and I say that every person that have experienced it would agree..... "

I could see by the look of you, that the gigs was not much motivating(and that doesn't exactly motivate the crowd either), and like you say you felt it was like an rehearsal. But it's here the "battle-plan" get's in. hehe..
Here you just follow what one has planned, and the audience will feel that they're blessed. They'll feel that the band is something much greater than them..
Put on the mask of an actor, carry out your image, be flexible on stage and at the same time be an artist and do a good performance.

I'll say again that I think you did a good show, but still I found the other players who were not locked up to an microfone(like Tyr) very static and boring. You spiritited it up, but the band didn't work as an unit...only musically wise.. Take the guitarists as examples, very boring, they should really work with doing their best and show a bit more energy, eventhough it's the most suckiest crowd. It get's so weird when an energious music is performed with musicians who seems to play like you say in a rehearsal room.. hehe

But as I said earlier. It was very cool to see you live and to rock to your songs... I especially liked to hear the songs from Empiricism.
But criticism like this you may just ignore or maybe see that it has some points, that's not up to me. I'm refering some feelings I had myself and some feelings others had after the show.

We'll include some jokes and a puppet-show next time 'round then...
The gig in Kristiansand is an experience we don't want to have to go through again.
The venue hadn't exactly done a good job promoting the gig (I believe they had put up 3 posters for the show , no ads or anything else) , so basically not many knew we were going to play there. Secondly , the mere fact that this was a non-alcoholic event , we knew most would stay away since drinking is obviously more exciting than going to shows for the people in Kristiansand.

Bottom line is , we were biased to think that "this is gonna suck".
A lesson learnt I know for certain , you'll not see us like that again.
Cool to hear.. yes, add some muppetshow jokes.. haha.

But I look forward to the next time.. >:)
Good luck with working further with the new album..
Yeah, we're now focusing on the new album, and are very thrilled about it.

The "battleplan" never works when you're dealing with artistry, if you act what you're not feeling, it's kinda lame, right? Artistry is a pure form of emotions and putting on a mask just to look good is so fake, right?? Probabaly many POP bands are doing it just so they can trick yet another crowd to buy their album, but that's not artistry, that's simple entertainment. If we were just an entertainment group coming to town it would have worked maybe, but we're much more passionate with our work than that.

I'm just trying to explain the situation..................

mr V
From what I know it was 87 tickets sold (nevertheless, few people...). In Kristiansand it's a well known fact that this venue is a non alcoholic place so it was certainly not a shock for those who weren't let in. I guess it was more important to have a few early drinks than seeing Scariot and Borknagar... Regarding the stage show, I heard that we did a pretty good show despite the quiet crowd. Cool! I hope we did. My own performance on this gig was far from the best (mainly because I have the flu). The crowd in Bergen, the day before, was ecstatic and absolute great fun playing for so getting up on stage in Kristiansand was, well, not boring but... the interaction between a band and the crowd is always a give and take - this time the crowd got plenty for just standing there looking. If we're tired of playing and the crowd (except for a few dedicated fans) is dead calm between the songs then we're certainly not getting the needed energy to give a 100%. I guess this show is the proof that Norwegians have to be drunk in order to get crazy on a concert... Please also know that we're into this for the creation of music and the fun that comes along - we're not a theater group with costumes and well choreographed dancing steps.

- Asgeir
It makes sense what you're saying, and how you feel about a performance fitting your band-image. Thanks for the your explanations. Really cool to hear...

I have to say that you're to good to attend to concerts like the one in Kristiansand... Next time I hope I'll see you in a more crowdy and more "lifefull" setting. I'm sure that it will not be the same Borknagar as the one last Friday.. ;) Maybe that next time will be after you've sold gold or platina of your next album, and maybe you'll get some crazy pyrotechnics and lightshows in the show.. hehe. That would be cool, huh? ;)

Rock on!