Borknagar - Logo

"should be a fun day as Silenoz is gonna get a tattoo at my tattoo shop. so we should get to meet the band etc"
- The guy who I am going with

So it's kind of confirmed that Silenoz is going to the tatoo place. I hope the others will be there too. I'd better go through with this tattoo or I'll look like a complete pussy in front of Dimmu ;___; I'm going to have so much fucking fun if I can go with them.

Yeah, I really hated the idea of tattoos for a long time.

Anyway, going in 30 mins to meet up with Silenoz in Manchester and get our tattoos done. I just got a new digital camera for my birthday so I can provide some pictures, and hopefully get a shot of Silenoz new tattoos (which he's getting on his chest, huzzah!)

Thanks for the images anyway, and for all the help. I appreciate it :3
See you guys later <3
Oh hi.

Anyway it's my 18th birthday today, give me attention plz ;3
It's pretty cool, I was thinking about getting the Borknagar logo done on my wrist before.... didn't bother though :lol:
or does the borknagar logo look very similar to the enslaved logo



notice the 2 little horns with the knotwork style on top, the thors hammer on the bottom, generally intertwined, typical bm symetrical style with the ends larger and pointed down and kind of in...