Borknagar - Origin? rofl...

I don't think it's that bad...I listen to every once in a while
but i wouldn't say it's as good as their previous albums

Epic for instance is fucking amazing
If Grief & Solitude was recorded with electric guitars and drums i've no doubt people would love it. What they did was to change to acoustic style without changing the music to adapt to that style. So either Hubster's right and people are stupid or acoustic Drudkh just doesn't work.
^ bah, poor excuse to buy it Tom! Its worth it even for more.

If Grief & Solitude was recorded with electric guitars and drums i've no doubt people would love it. What they did was to change to acoustic style without changing the music to adapt to that style.

Brilliantly said, thankyou.

This is something I wanted to say earlier, I agree except in that I don't feel they've merely "transferred" their music to an acoustic expression, but they have rather extended their acoustic expression into the Black Metal space. It is a transfer of sorts, but there is more to it than that in terms of their end result.

Songs of Grief & Solitude is a "deconstruction" (with repect to the existing works they have, chronologically speaking), a core representation of their works.

I wish people would realise this, it's very clear imo: listen to Autumn Aurora, can people not hear the way it extends upon, but yet runs parallel to, a work like Songs of Grief and Solitude?

Note: a possibilty for it "not working" acoustically to many people is that (as my gf pointed out) Drudkh are not using Western scales. It is possible that this difference is more apparent with non amplified instruments. Any thoughts?
well, in my eyes...borknagar hasnt been good plugged in for many years either. so i think its just a difference in taste. not a lack of comprehension or appreciation for the acoustic approach.

If you had said "I loved the last few Borknagar albums", I would've been "man, just give Origin some time"... but considering the last few albums didn't do much for you, then I'd say it's definitely taste :)

As for Vintersorg, I like all his material from Hedniskhjärtad through to Visions From The Spiral Generator. The Focusing Blur was a bit of a dip though.

His Waterclime album is excellent for the most part, a very good take on his own brand of 70s inspired progressive rock.

Any fan of Vintersorg should check out his earlier band, Otyg. Excellent Swedish folk metal, and his vocal delivery in his native tongue is something he does really well.
I'm checking this out right now, I kinda like it I think. Hasn't blown me away so far but it sounds interesting, some nice parts here and there. I've never been a big fan of Vintersorg's vocals, but I guess they're okay (haven't listened to him that much either).

I'll keep this in my playlist a bit longer.
If Grief & Solitude was recorded with electric guitars and drums i've no doubt people would love it. What they did was to change to acoustic style without changing the music to adapt to that style. So either Hubster's right and people are stupid or acoustic Drudkh just doesn't work.
Agreed. I just listened to SOGAS a few minutes ago. I too made the "listening" mistake when first hearing this 2 days after it's initial release. Realizing that this was NOT an electric Drudkh, and accepting it for the acoustic aspect, it is what it is, I came to an appreciation of it and SOGAS started to reveal itself to me. For those who have an interest in my opinion this is what I hear and don't hear: First off, I respect any musician who conveys "true" art in music. SOGAS is well produced, mixed and mastered. However, I think Roman and Yuri lack inspiration on this album. Their playing sounds in some places uninspired. And for me detracts from the music. Imagine Opeth(example) playing "Face of Melinda" or "Benighted" with little or no inspiration. Those IMO, brilliant songs certainly would not be conveyed well. Not a hard concept to understand. Secondly, could someone please explain to me how SOGAS is a Black Metal acoustic album. These ears just don't hear it, and I could be missing out on the musical point of this album. These are traditional Ukranian Folk songs arranged by Drudkh. Because Drudkh is a BM band, is that the assumption of this being a BM acoustic album? Maybe I don't understand the transition that Drudkh are trying to convey!! And, yes, AA followed by SOGAS is a very nice listening experience. As a result of hours of hearing this I must weigh in with a rating for SOGAS. I like Drudkh a great deal. I think they are one of the best "latest wave" BM bands around. With some disappointment this gets 7/10. Origin, is one I have not heard yet. Quite frankly, I've read many more negative reviews and thoughts, than positive ones. I'll have to hear it for myself before making an informed opinion, and also before buying it. Peace.:u-huh:
I listened to the Origin tracks on myspace again last night and they're continuing to grow on me. The vocals remind me more than a little of David Gold's vocals on Pursuit of the Sun and Allure of the Earth, and they don't fit very well with the music to my ears, but they're growing on me.