Borrowed a Kemper Profiler!!

Hey I've got the Ultra and I've done recordings with it for my band with match EQ. So I recorded three songs for our album with my Orange Rockerverb, then match EQ'd that tone and recorded all of the other songs on the Axe-Fx and there's no big difference in the tone quality. I can even use the same studio tone when we play live.

I guess Axe-Fx Ultra is better than Axe-Fx II since all these Axe-II players keep on asking me for presets. :D The FW11 Axe-Fx Ultra with match EQ simply ends up sounding better than the Kemper. That was the test we did. You don't have to agree with us but these are our clear test results and nothing can change that.
I've actually owned an Ultra before having the AxeFX II, honestly I kinda feel that the ultra sounds "nicer" than the II, its somehow less harsh for higher gain stuff right out of the box without tweaking, but the feel and dynamics of the II is a toally different beast IMO and especially so right now with the newer firmware, that part clearly beats the ultra hands-down.

One thing that is unfathomable to me is how some people on one other forum can so easily put down the axefx in favour of the kemper.
On the video you can notice the lack of thump on the kemper track, the more compressed soundwave and the big cut in the soundwave on the final palm mutes

Exactly. You can actually "SEE" the difference easily just by looking at the waveforms.
I've actually owned an Ultra before having the AxeFX II, honestly I kinda feel that the ultra sounds "nicer" than the II, its somehow less harsh for higher gain stuff right out of the box without tweaking, but the feel and dynamics of the II is a toally different beast IMO and especially so right now with the newer firmware, that part clearly beats the ultra hands-down.

One thing that is unfathomable to me is how some people on one other forum can so easily put down the axefx in favour of the kemper.

The main reason I'd like to have the Axe-II is because the EQ controls work like on the real amps where as on the Ultra it's not like the real amps. In reality I don't know if the Axe-II actually makes every amp sim as versatile as the real life amps.

Sure if you compare Axe-Fx stock cabinets to Kemper the Kemper will probably sound better in that sense. Custom IRs on the Axe-Fx make Kemper useless for me at least.
to be honest, it comes across to me as you are just trying to demonstrate flaws with the Kemper rather than trying to achieve the best possible tone and showcase it in a mix against the axe/plugins/whatever.

i've owned an axe standard before, and am tempted to grab one again partly due to the FX and some sounds i can't nail with the kemper yet. still, even with custom impulses and match EQ (which i've also tried with the axe), i think the kemper has more liveliness in the overall tone. there's something 'weird' flat sounding in the AFX's midrange that i was never able to dial out
I'm just trying to be honest. I wanted to like the Kemper as much as it has been hyped for several years now. I'm the guy who match EQs just about everything possible and I wanted Kemper to be better than match EQ, I wanted it to be the next step for me. I know how it comes across. How do you think a German guy supporting Kemper comes across? :)

And I'm not hyping Axe-Fx either. I just think that Axe-Fx modeling is "good enough" to pass as a real amp after match EQ. To be honest I think Overloud TH2 amp modeling is even better than Axe-Fx but I still use Axe-Fx. I just don't get why we should select a camp like "Kemper camp" and "Axe-Fx camp" and it has to be one or the other. Both are great tools. I would not bet money on telling the difference between an Axe-Fx matched compared to a real amp but I could easily bet money on telling the difference between the Kemper's "reference amp" and "Kemper amp".
To be honest I think Overloud TH2 amp modeling is even better than Axe-Fx but I still use Axe-Fx.

Interesting..! I like TH2 as well. Sounds good and uses low CPU power. But I did a comparison b/w my Randall T2 and the T2H T2 and the sim was wayyy more scooped and boomy in comparison with the same impulse for whatever reason. Of course still usable though.

Do you have a favorite amp model in TH2? is it the modern amp or..? also thanks for the Kemper review; one of the first that isn't saying "omg da best" which is nice to hear from someone with your experience :)