Bouncing tracks in real time in Nuendo?


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
I'm looking to relieve the CPU load from all my plug ins and bouncing tracks seems to be a good option. How do I set up to bounce a track in real time by bussing to a stereo track? I'll be the first to admit I'm completely lost when it comes to bussing stuff. The most I've done is sending certain things to group tracks in Nuendo, which is kinda set up for you.

But, how do you record one channel or more in real time during playback to a new track?

And, once it's done, any plug in used on the tracks bounced are "imprinted" onto the new bounced track, correct?

So, could I bounce down all the drums tracks with their various EQ's, comps and Drumagog settings down to plain ol' tracks with no plugs or EQ settings and still retain the sound I worked to get utilizing all those tools?
Thanks. I've been looking into that on Nuendo's forum, but some users have experience problems with this in that it can be buggy and cause system instability. My other option would be to mixdown the tracks in question and select "import audio into file" or whatever it's called that pops the mixed audio back into Nuendo as a new track...But, I've heard that some users say that offline bouncing sounds different from what they are hearing during playback...So, I'm interested to see if it can be done in real time by recording one track onto another during playback.

I've searched this forum and Nuendo's and so far I see people talking about it, but no specific instructions on how it's done...And, I'm too inexperienced to figure it out on my own and the help menu isn't helping, lol.
set your output to the input you want to record , hit record


or solo the track>export audio mixdown, set accordingly (ie; mono 24/41 whatever)
check realtime export> check import to pool/audio track

or freeze the track.
Ive never had any problem freezing them
Just like everybody's x said, or you can select export from the file pulldown and choose export - audio mixdown, make sure you have your left and right regions set and the tracks you want mixed down soloed, pick your file destination you can select to have it imported in as a audio track. and you can even select from the main export option to real time mixdown.
Thanks. I'll try the freeze thing and see. I would imagine people having problems would be isolated and mainly due to their setups? Who knows, but I didn't know about freezing until today...Sounds like a plan.

But, in regards to recording, How do you set the output of the track to be the input on another track? I'm not at home at the moment to try it out, but I'm almost positive you can't set up one channel to record another that easily. Like I said, I don't know for sure. I guess I thought it would involve inserts or the like.