F***!!!!! (bouncing tracks in reaper)

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
So i wanted to try and make a super epic sound for a riff just now and i tracked 4 guitars with TSE amp sim then bounced them so i could recording 4 more. I recorded 4 more tracks and then when i bounced those tracks it replaced the originally bounced tracks with the ones i just did. It happened to me twice so i got frustrated and shut my comp off. Now, just to make sure im doing this right, when i bounce the tracks, i right click the tracks and right click for render tracks to mono stem tracks. Is it maybe cause the tracks had the same name when i bounced them?

Also, how do you bounce tracks with the bus effects on them? Like when i put an eq on their bus, the EQ doesnt bounce?
Reaper stores everything you record in its directory, all 8 riffs are in there. They might not be bounced but they're still recorded.

As for bouncing with bus effects... I don't think it's possible without rendering the entire master mix (turn master bus fx off, mute all other tracks, render as wav, re-import)
heres an idea; i don't use reapervegasripoff, but this is what i do in Pro tools to render multiple tracks with effect in one pass.
Assign the output of the bus in question to a new bus. add a new audio track; set the input to the bus you just added. repeat for all the tracks that need freezing.
Record arm all the new tracks and hit record.

Drink tea