Boy, Greece sounds so open & free!

Ah, I'd call ya a dumb fuck, but you don't really know what's going on. There was a scandal in Greece involving slot machines and other profit related games and a couple politicians. The government tried to pass a law that would allow slot machines to be only in casinos and you'd need a special license to own one. However, whoever was in charge of passing the law, fucked up somewhere along the line, and now the law seems to include every game there is. This was not supposed to happen and let me assure you, everybody's free to play computer games or own gameboys and that shit.
So do some more research before you post dumb shit like that you dumbass motherfucker. Greece is more liberal than your precious U.S.

Ase re guerilla pane na deis sto forum ton In Flames na deis ti lene gia tin epemvasi sto Irak. Malakes amerikanakia ti na peis! :mad: Ayta tous pasaroun afta lene!!!!!!!!!
Nai re gamo to kerato mou... Kai upotithetai anikoun se mia kapos pio underground koultoura. Tha prepre na nai kapos pio psagmeni oi malakes.

don't move here then.

it is amusing though to see that the band that attacks the politics of america with every chance ("is this justice?is this the american way?") has such stupid fans that they are trying to find flaws in other countries just to feel theirs is great.
getalife suckazzz
Every goverment and every person has their problems. You shouldn't talk about anyone's country but your own. You know what is happening in your own country (or atleast you should) others may be misinformed. So anyone who disses a river should be shot, raped, baged, raped again, rebaged, thrown in the river, raped by fishes, found, brought out of the river, shot again, raped again, baged again, thrown back in the river, and raped by piranha. Just my opinion.
this is rediculous, seriously, what gives you the right to bad-mouth the US? nothing that doesn't give me the right to bash greece or any other country. Everyone can say what they want, fuck 'em i personally don't care if someone bashes my country or anyone else's. U want to bash the US? Go Ahead, we're still richer and more powerful than you, sorry.
what the fuck is the USA? a nest of bastard birds. damn it, you are descendants of European criminals, religious fugitives, hungry and poor who left their families to go over there to work for some cotton-eye-Joe to survive and other scum, and unfortunately, of Africans who got their nice share... where does the need to judge come from? self-awareness? my ass.
I don't have anything against anybody, but when you Americans start to discuss with your hehehe faces, saying "my dad has a bigger dick than your dad", cuz this is how you argue, then, I'm sorry, have to say you are malakes...
guys, stop it.
this is a Nevermore forum, not a forum where people from different countrys come to badmouth each other.........
You both have points but neither of you are even trying to agree (except to disagree)....
if your thinking of continuing, go somewhere else to fight..