Boy, Greece sounds so open & free!

guys, stop it.
this is a Nevermore forum, not a forum where people from different countrys come to badmouth each other.........
You both have points but neither of you are even trying to agree (except to disagree)....
if your thinking of continuing, go somewhere else to fight..
guys, stop it.
this is a Nevermore forum, not a forum where people from different countrys come to badmouth each other.........
You both have points but neither of you are even trying to agree (except to disagree)....
if your thinking of continuing, go somewhere else to fight..
Fuck everything, fuck governments, fuck this stupid conversation, fuck these pathetic finger pointing, pissing-contest arguments that only provide further alienation. It's funny, for an Agnostic, I'm about ready to pray for a goddamned Apocalypse because here we are, effective outcasts in our own cultures *in varying degrees* yet we squabble like mad rats amongst ourselves over a steaming piece of shit. Fuck it, and fuck you.
anyway,just to add a couple of things that just came to my mind.i doubt this law will be used in every occassion,it was probably made this way so that those who use games for profit and gambling have no way out,so that they can not get their lawyers find small windows in the law and let them get away with it.for your information,in england there is a law that states that if someone insults the queen he should be hanged in the main square.this is a fact.and after all,greece is free enough for us to be able to listen to great balls of fire on the radio...which the us aint.
btw i don't like this conversation,but he attacked me,so i just wanted to answer...i'd prefer talking about music but some people feel the inner need to show the world how powerful and great they are :rolleyes:
do u american guys know what your problem is?? That u know nothing about greece. You still think that people here move with donkeys and have no technology at all...Well come here to see. Problems? of course we have...but u know something?? We have things that menay countries would be jealous off. And it is not only our history but it is the beauty and the sun of our country. It is the sea and most of all it is the people and their attitude towards life. Unorginized?? Yes we are, altought when we want to we can do everything perfectly. But we can fool the system too when it tries to make our life harder. The greek person will always find a way to have a great life and always have a good time...He hates routine...he hates everyday things...he is a phylosopher. And no system has achieved to put him in the western way of life yet...And that is what u guys are more jealous off...To see a country full of people that have a great life, that trick the system and stay out every day till dawn and say to you and your system FUCK YOU. We can't be caged...we are free...

as for your ruling of the world...history has taught us well dudes...What is really high...falls more easilly you know...No country stayed there forever...and when it will be your time to fall then u won;'t find it amusing to be around...Because the dogs will be there to tear everything apart and eat as much as they can...
Being the leader means that everyone sees you and plans to take you down...I prefer the weakness of my country...

I know that many people will flame me but I'm not sure of how many of you will actually understand what i am writing about...And how can you when u were raised in a certain way and you were taught that this way is the best...Of course i can;'t get your way of life too because i was taught another one.
What i mean by all stop talking about greece...mind ur own problems...Watch out...there are thousands of Ladens out there that wanna do the same thing...
hey, Mark and I will be the first to say there are plenty of things fucked up about the US - and we are proud to say we have the complete freedom to say it out loud. For the record, I think George Bush is an idiot; I think many of his ideas suck.

I'm sure there are many wonderful things about Greece. And I'm sure we would get along just fine if we visited each other and had a few beers. It's just that as Americans we get tired of being blamed for every ill in the world. If the USA sucks so bad, why do people from every corner of the globe want to come here? I'll tell you why - unlimited potential, both in freedom and economically. My city has booming populations of Somalis, Russians, Mexicans...all working their asses off to realize the American dream.

Peace and out.
Originally posted by Guerrilla
Ah, I'd call ya a dumb fuck, but you don't really know what's going on. There was a scandal in Greece involving slot machines and other profit related games and a couple politicians. The government tried to pass a law that would allow slot machines to be only in casinos and you'd need a special license to own one. However, whoever was in charge of passing the law, fucked up somewhere along the line, and now the law seems to include every game there is. This was not supposed to happen and let me assure you, everybody's free to play computer games or own gameboys and that shit.
So do some more research before you post dumb shit like that you dumbass motherfucker. Greece is more liberal than your precious U.S.

Hey asshat, I don't have to do research, that's for little mopes like you who have nothing better to do with their time and lives. I saw the story, it made me laugh, I posted. You don't like it? Crawl back under your fucking rock and die. Dickhead.
Originally posted by Dragonlord
btw i don't like this conversation,but he attacked me,so i just wanted to answer...i'd prefer talking about music but some people feel the inner need to show the world how powerful and great they are :rolleyes:

Dude, it was a fucking joke. The article and topic were funny, so I posted it, and maybe you haven't noticed, but the quality of threads around here isn't exactly Rhodes-scholar level. I didn't attack you at all dumbass.

Quit with the "woah-is-me" shit.

As for you Tee, you don't have any clue what you're talking about, so I'll just leave it alone. Ta ta.
markgugs : I have no problem with you or your country or the americans. I think it is totally natural for a country to lead...This has always been a truth in history...and it won't change...But some guys sometimes talk nonsense and underestimate other people or countries and this is racism. I'm not an ethnicist...I feel more like a citizen of the world but if someone thinks so low for one's country and especially if this is not fair - greece has nothing to do with the 3rd world or something, damn we have organized world and european athletic events getting congratulations from all over the world and we are soon to organize the olympics... that means that we ARE capable of something - then what what could one say for really poor countries that don't have food and water for their people...Should we laugh about that or treat them with sympathy...
Concerning people thinking bad about USA the explanation is simple...Noone likes it when a country seems to be in power of everything and causes wars...The thing is that noone should blame the americans - i mean the people - but the government...However history - here i go again - shows that whenever a country had the chance to lead the world and do everything according to its always took the chance...Guys we have tyrrany...It is just that they are too clever to let us find that out...
Originally posted by markgugs
Hey asshat, I don't have to do research, that's for little mopes like you who have nothing better to do with their time and lives. I saw the story, it made me laugh, I posted. You don't like it? Crawl back under your fucking rock and die. Dickhead.

Right... fuck off man, if it stayed a joke I wouldn't mind, what pisses me off is that every chance you get, you try to make us all feel inferior to you. U.S. is the boss isn't that so... Go suck Uncle Sam's dick ya lil cunt.

Originally posted by Guerrilla
what pisses me off is that every chance you get, you try to make us all feel inferior to you. U.S. is the boss isn't that so... Go suck Uncle Sam's dick ya lil cunt.CAUSE OF DEATH
when you say "you" do you mean the American people, the American govt., or are you referring to Mark. I've lived in Europe and am the first person to be offended when I would see a fatassed American tourist treating Germans like inferiors...and I hate it when our foreign policy tries to dictate to other cultures how to live. But don't confuse the average good natured American with the millionaire elitists who run this country - it was just a bit of fun and if you were offended, well, sorry. But let's quit the personal attacks.
Originally posted by Guerrilla
Right... fuck off man, if it stayed a joke I wouldn't mind, what pisses me off is that every chance you get, you try to make us all feel inferior to you. U.S. is the boss isn't that so... Go suck Uncle Sam's dick ya lil cunt.

Yes, this is a very witty response. You win a lollipop, congrats!

Maybe, just MAYBE, if you had been around here longer than 2 weeks, you'd realize that my entire JOKE post was based on a heated discussion I had with Dragonlord some months ago regarding US foreign policy in Iraq.

I could honestly care less about Greece or whatever. I really don't see how "every chance I get, I try to make you feel inferior," but I have a sneaky suspicion you feel inferior to others simply by waking up in the morning.
Originally posted by markgugs
Yes, this is a very witty response. You win a lollipop, congrats!

What flavor? Can it be strawberry please?

I could honestly care less about Greece or whatever.

There's your problem. To you, U.S. is the world. And although, I still believe you consider yourself superior to those of us who live in small countries such as Greece, I admit that I have taken this a bit too far. I humbly apologize to you for not realizing this is a joke thread. Please tell your president not to nuke us for saying the things I've said. I'm done.

I like Greek men in skimpy bathing suits. I like to nuzzle their nutsacks.