Boy, Greece sounds so open & free!

I just the black people, chinese people, and all the minorities there, and the millions who are without a job in the US believe that too

Well you kinda just answered your own question. If the United States was so bad, why does most everybody in the world want to live here. There are unemployed and starving people in every society on earth. The difference here is that in the United States each individual has the OPPORTUNITY to do something about it. That can't be said of every where else in the world.

If I didn't set that alarm clock for 6am every morning I'd be starving and homeless too. After weighing my options, I have decided to get myself out of bed and be productive rather than relying on a government handout like many of you expect from your countries.
Originally posted by bloodquencher
sure there have been some casualties, no war is without them. but consider this...
Yugoslavia: trying to stop genocide.
Afghanistan: we were attacked first.
Japan: let's see: Pearl Harbor? duh. next thing you'll be saying we were mean bullies for getting rid of hitler.
1st.You don't no what was hapenning in Yugoslavia you only no what they wanted you to hear! The UCK was to killing and raping yugoslavians and because milosevic wasn't doing Clinton's favours you went with the UCK side. You don'y know so shut the fuck up!
2nd.Did the afghanistan people joined their forces and attacked you? Nah, a small partv of afghanistan terrorists fucked ya! You'd to kill innocent people? You had to do a freaking war?
3rd. You weren,t that good in history? or your books don't write it? :confused:
Japan has surended boy! :eek:
Go to chew your gum now
Originally posted by MetalGod71
Yeah, some civilians were killed, but it was nothing compared to flying civilian aircraft into our buildings.

:lol: :lol:
Right, so the government decided to bomb Afghanistan thinking that it's ok to kill civilians that had nothing to do with 9/11 as long as the number they kill does not exceed the number of people that died when the towers collapsed. Shows what value they have for human life man.

if your theory was 100% correct I would agree with you. economics often motivates our corporately sponsored leaders. It is our shame we did not try to stop the genocide in Rwanda.
but - if we were completely the animals you portray us to be, we would have kept Kuwait, finished the job the first time in Iraq and kept that, etc.
The end of the war with Japan is controversial but the Japanese had a plan in place which proposed arming all civilians with as little as bamboo spears, and there were literally thousands of kamikazee minisubs, planes, human airborne bombs, etc. After years of being duped by their own leaders as to the brutality of Americans, they were prepared to fight bitterly as they had in Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc. Women literally threw themselves to death off cliffs to avoid capture - we didn't kill them their leaders killed them with lies and distortions.

As is often the case the truth on many issues lies somewhere in the middle.
Right, so the government decided to bomb Afghanistan thinking that it's ok to kill civilians that had nothing to do with 9/11 as long as the number they kill does not exceed the number of people that died when the towers collapsed. Shows what value they have for human life man.

The point you forgot to notice is that the terrorist INTENTIONALLY sought to kill civilians. It wasn't a military strike at all. We were trying to bomb terrorists and as a result, some innocent civilians got killed. War is hell. If they weren't such pussies hiding amongst the women and children that wouldn't have happened.

You have got to be on fucking acid if you are trying to defend what the terrorists did. You are one step above an animal.

You know what's funny is that if the terrorists bombed your country like that, who would you come crying to for help? Hmmm... Sad part is we'd be foolish enough to bail your sorry asses out.

When are you people in the rest of the world going to realize that the reason you are poor is not because we took your share. It's not like all the money from the world is static and we took a bigger slice of the pie than you. The pie (economy) grows and shrinks according to how productive the entire world is. We just happen to be among the most productive nations on earth. Why don't you bag on the Japanese? They seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. Did they take your money too?
Originally posted by bloodquencher
if your theory was 100% correct I would agree with you. economics often motivates our corporately sponsored leaders. It is our shame we did not try to stop the genocide in Rwanda.
but - if we were completely the animals you portray us to be, we would have kept Kuwait, finished the job the first time in Iraq and kept that, etc.
The end of the war with Japan is controversial but the Japanese had a plan in place which proposed arming all civilians with as little as bamboo spears, and there were literally thousands of kamikazee minisubs, planes, human airborne bombs, etc. After years of being duped by their own leaders as to the brutality of Americans, they were prepared to fight bitterly as they had in Saipan, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, etc. Women literally threw themselves to death off cliffs to avoid capture - we didn't kill them their leaders killed them with lies and distortions.

As is often the case the truth on many issues lies somewhere in the middle.
Face it you know 10% of truth 'causethey don't let you know the truth! It's as simple as that. As for japan they were fuckers too in the WW 2 but you didn't have to shoot an ATOMIC bomb to them. It's fucking insane!:yell:
Greece has a wonderful international stage for 2004 Olympics to show how they can handle being a target of terror. Athens airport has a horrible reputation as a security sieve. I wish you all the best but I can almost guarantee you there are loonies out in the desert right now looking at ways to make a political point at your expense.
and I'm sincere when I wish you the best.
Face it you know 10% of truth 'causethey don't let you know the truth! It's as simple as that.

What makes you so sure that our news is censored and yours is not. If anything, our news is presented with a liberal bias. CNN is far from accurate with their "one world" agenda.

As for japan they were fuckers too in the WW 2 but you didn't have to shoot an ATOMIC bomb to them. It's fucking insane!

You're exactly right. We should have just flown airplanes into their office buildings. Moron!:eek:
Originally posted by MetalGod71
What makes you so sure that our news is censored and yours is not. If anything, our news is presented with a liberal bias. CNN is far from accurate with their "one world" agenda.

Because fucker greece doen't try to be the world leader so the politicians and all the big fuckers let all the points of view be said! Asshole!

Originally posted by MetalGod71
You're exactly right. We should have just flown airplanes into their office buildings. Moron!:eek:
Oh, you are so clever so open-minded such a huge CUNT!!!!!!!! No you should go and rape all the fuckin' japanese girls and then all the goats,old ladies,old men and then shoot an atomic bomb to them.:eek:
bloodquencher is exactly right about the Japanese! Don't try to tell me about history books. I got it straight from my late grandfather who was 17 and on a warship in the Pacific when the bomb was dropped. Had we not dropped the bomb, my grandfather and tens of thousands of others (on both sides) would have likely died in battle. Though it is a terrible thing, we made the right decision. Japan hasn't felt the need to "Pearl Harbor" us since then. Maybe they learned a lesson.

In spite of the way I am feeling towards you right now, I too hope that nothing happens when you host the olympics. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. But you know that if something happened, we would be the first nation to offer our support, in spite of your ungratefullness. My tax dollars and family members would be going to help you. Would your country do the same for us? NO!!!! They wouldn't, and they haven't.
p.s. I can't remember the exact name of the Japanese plan to defend the home islands but I have the book at home. They considered it better to immolate their entire nation's populace than submit to what they considered a humiliation, namely, surrender. The book is called "The Last Mission" and it details how a US airstrike unintentionally caused a power outage which foiled a coup of fanatical Japanese officers from preventing their Emperor from reading the surrender announcement.
the atom bombs were a horrible thing, and that's the reason we have never used one since. But right or wrong, it was considered believe it or not the lighter option.
Originally posted by MetalGod71
You have got to be on fucking acid if you are trying to defend what the terrorists did. You are one step above an animal.

Uhh... I don't know how you assumed I'm defending the terrorists but let me tell you I'm not.

Originally posted by MetalGod71
The point you forgot to notice is that the terrorist INTENTIONALLY sought to kill civilians. It wasn't a military strike at all. We were trying to bomb terrorists and as a result, some innocent civilians got killed. War is hell. If they weren't such pussies hiding amongst the women and children that wouldn't have happened.

OK, what you say about the terrorists killing civilians intentionally is true. Now check this out... The only reason the US government bombed Afghanistan was to scare off other would-be terrorist countries and show them what would happen to them if they tried anything against the US. The government's purpose was to generate fear, therefore it was a terrorist act too.

Guerilla, I'll be happy to keep debating you as long as we can keep it civilized.

I'm not understanding your logic about us bombing Afganistan making us the terrorists. If a guy walks up to you and sucker punches you, are you the bad guy if you hit him back? What would you suggest we do? Nothing?
Your example about a guy punching you and you punching him back has nothing to do with the US government bombing Afghanistan. They didn't bomb it to kill the terrorists. They knew that even if they killed them, twice as many terrorists, more eager to attack the US would take their place. The government did it to scare off all those would-be terrorists and the countries that would support them. Essentially that's what terrorism is all about. Afghanistan just happened to be in the way and it was obviously the most convenient country to use for their plan.

I agree with part of what you are saying, which is that part of the reason for the bombings is to keep more terrorists from from attacking. Look at it this way...if I'm a terrorist, and I know that if I keep attacking the big, bad United States, they will likely destroy me, my family and everything I believe in, then just MAAAAYBE I'll think twice before I do it. Maybe they'll think that even though they hate us, the price to pay is just too great to go through with it. I mean, even if I hated somebody, I would be less likely to start shit with them if I knew they would kick my ass, burn down my house, steal my car and slap my wife.

;) Know what I mean?

I don't see how this is such a bad thing. While I don't like to see anybody die, if it will prevent them from attacking us again then I'm all for it. Better they die then my countrymen (and possibly family members) die. They don't give a rats ass about us. There was video of them fucking celebrating when the towers fell. You expect me to have compassion for them? We didn't attack them on September 11th, they attacked us. Also, it's not like we just randomly picked Afghanistan to make an example of. They have been housing and aiding terrorists for decades. Maybe they will think twice before letting terrorists set up training camps in their country again.
Originally posted by MetalGod71
I don't see how this is such a bad thing. While I don't like to see anybody die, if it will prevent them from attacking us again then I'm all for it. Better they die then my countrymen (and possibly family members) die.

Right, that's how you see it cause you live in the US. But people from other countries that can have a more objective point of view don't see it that way. They see it more like "Americans don't care for anybody but themselves". That's why the US has gotten a bad rep.

One thing, when planeloads of civilians slam into thousands of innocent people in your country, I want you to talk to me about being 'objective' then. It's easy for you to say that when it hasn't happened to you. As far as I'm concerned, I could give a fuck about being objective. They attacked us, and we should go to whatever lengths are necessary to prevent it from happening again. If somebody in your family was killed that day I doubt you would feel so objective.