Boy, Greece sounds so open & free!

I didn't say you should be objective-(well you should but I guess it's hard)... I only said that people that live in other countries ARE more objective than you, and see things clearly cause it hasn't happened to them. That's why they can see the US was wrong about a lot of things, while you, being patriotic and pissed off can't. They can see the US government isn't being fair and that's why they don't like it.
Now I'm sure if the only thing the US government wanted to do was kill the terrorists responsible for the attack, they could have come up with a way to kill just them and not a whole bunch of citizens with them. But I guess that's not enough for the government, they like terrorizing and bullying around everybody else.
After all, if the US government softens up how is it going to keep everybody in place and make sure the US remains the most powerful country, right?

After all, if the US government softens up how is it going to keep everybody in place and make sure the US remains the most powerful country, right?


We got soft under Clinton. Bin Laden bombed the World Trade Centers back in 1993 and then the USS Cole in 1999(I think it was 99) and he didn't do anything to prevent it from happening again. Hey, we tried it your way. We tried to play nice. Look where it got us. Now it's time to show the world who they are fucking with. It took Bin Laden attacking us three times before we retaiated. Have we waited long enough yet? Maybe we should wait until they knock down the Sears Tower in Chicago too, right?
*Sigh* All I want in life is food, good music, and a guitar. Maybe a house and car, but the first three mostly.

Why does everybody else (USA) have to want to nuke and vomit biotoxins on everyone who disagrees with them?
Right dude... I just lost any respect I had for you.

Throughout all of this I keep asking what the proper solution would be and all you do is keep picking on America. Answer the question. How should we have handled it?

We tried doing didn't work.

What else should we do. Just put up with being attacked every couple of years? It's real easy for you to judge when it hasn't happened to you. I could give a shit if you respect me or not, because you obviously didn't have any respect to begin with. I am after all, the horrible American who has thrown you into poverty and made you live as a slave, right?
ok, halfway through the third page, ive decided to comment.....
Whoever said we bombed Japan for no reason.... who was it that attacked USS Arizona? point taken? thank you.... what has Iraq done? theyve lied time to time about nuclear weapons.... wont you feel stupid when Iraq busts out chemical warfare on all European countries? what has Afghanistan done? the people did nothing, the people we're after are hiding themselves within the people and afghanistan as a whole... if you can think of a better way to get rid of the enemy, then my hat's off to ya.... if we're terrorists for the following reasons, then i guess we are:
1. Preparing to bomb Iraq to protect ourselves and other countries from heavy attacks

2. Going after the group of people that caused the 9/11 shit... and dont say we brought it onto ourselves... they bombed us because of how free we are with religion... just because they PRAISE ALL MIGHTY ALLAH they have to kill others....

3. Going after people that caused the first GIGANTIC attack on America...

if those are reasons why we are terrorists, then i gues so.... its is the terrorist countries which cause us to be 'terrorists' in your eyes, wake the fuck up...
one of you said that we dont know anything about Greece and to stop believing everything CNN tells us... you know jack shit about America... Land of the free and home of the brave... those words right there are what everyone hate us for... we can believe in what we want to, we can have the jobs we want to, we can do what we wish day by day... all WITHOUT worrying about getting shot in the back by the police or whatever funky politcal group runs the country... without the USA trying to make peace throughout the world, all of the other countries are at a higher level of weakness because without us... what other group of people will help? only other group with a decent sized army or whatever is the United Kingdom, and yet, them alone cannot defeat every other terrorist group or problem causing country.... so be grateful that we are the way we are...

but then again, ill be waiting for the "what do you know, you're only 15" comments... what do i say to that? fuck you, just because im young, doesnt mean that i dont know whats going on... and im a war history junkie so i know what im talking about... and lighten up, not every american thinks we're superior... i dont know what Greece is all about... i dont know what ANY country is about other than the USA, because this is the only country ive ever been in.

maybe we should protect ourselves and let the smaller countries protect themselves...

thats my $.02
Originally posted by MetalGod71
Throughout all of this I keep asking what the proper solution would be and all you do is keep picking on America. Answer the question. How should we have handled it?

I don't know how the fuck you should have handled it, all I know is that a lot of innocent people who didn't even know why they were being attacked, died -and don't say a lot of people died in the 9/11 attacks cause it doesn't make it right. But what am I saying, your fucking president is the biggest murderer in the US, he loves executing convicts, he probably enjoyed killing Afghans too.
To prevent this from happening again though, it wouldn't hurt to change your foreign policy and your "we rule the world" mentality.
I'm not so much against what you did in Afghanistan, what pisses me off is that you interfere without anybody asking for your help, like you did in Yugoslavia. Do you consider it your duty to do that? It's really fucking annoying.

Originally posted by MetalGod71
I am after all, the horrible American who has thrown you into poverty and made you live as a slave, right?

Whatever dude, I have nothing against US citizens, it's your fucked up government that pisses me and everybody else off.

Originally posted by dead6skin6mask6
Land of the free and home of the brave... those words right there are what everyone hate us for... we can believe in what we want to, we can have the jobs we want to, we can do what we wish day by day...

Umm... you must really think you're the only ones in the world that are allowed to do whatever you want... Right.
But what do you know you're just a fucking 15 year old :lol:

The more I read this, the more my comments in that other thread become truer for me. You are all (especially you, Neonseed) complete fucking morons.

Nothing pisses me off more than when someone says something like "don't believe that shit CNN feeds you" or "you don't know what REALLY happened, you fucking idiot, so shut the FUCK up." Not only is it extremely immature, but it's also extremely ignorant. What makes YOU so sure that YOU know what's really going on? You're getting the same bullshit everyone else is. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL!

This is bullshit, I MIGHT come back if you guys ever start talking about Nevermore again and stop arguing about your precious fucking countries. No one of you will miss me and that's a beautfiul thing, because I hate you all!
I live in the U.S. I've never been in any other country, other than Canada briefly. I don't know much about other places. But I do know that my country's government has a lot of flaws, and some of the things we claim to be proud of are really fucking ridiculous. Freedom of speech? Ha. No such thing. It just doesn't happen. There's going to be a consequence if I stand somewhere and scream "Fuck you all!" Even if it's my honest feeling. We're still censored and scrutinized for everything we're worth. So, yeah, I laugh along with some comments made about my country.

BUT, with that said, I don't usually sit here and talk shit about other countries. I wish people could really see what they're talking about before they insult the PEOPLE in this country. I don't agree with everything my government has done. But I sure as fuck would rather live here than some poor ass starving third world country.
Originally posted by dead_fetus
The more I read this, the more my comments in that other thread become truer for me. You are all (especially you, Neonseed) complete fucking morons.

Nothing pisses me off more than when someone says something like "don't believe that shit CNN feeds you" or "you don't know what REALLY happened, you fucking idiot, so shut the FUCK up." Not only is it extremely immature, but it's also extremely ignorant. What makes YOU so sure that YOU know what's really going on? You're getting the same bullshit everyone else is. YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL!

This is bullshit, I MIGHT come back if you guys ever start talking about Nevermore again and stop arguing about your precious fucking countries. No one of you will miss me and that's a beautfiul thing, because I hate you all!
Fucker i'm done with you i've tried to explain to you but all i get is your stupid ironic answers. Go and cry in your little cave!
As for all the others I'm happy living in this poor third-world country called greece! I wouldn't change for no "motherfucker
we are the hyperpower the world elite and we can fuck with everyone" U.S.A. Ok? End of the conversation!
Whatever dude, I have nothing against US citizens, it's your fucked up government that pisses me and everybody else off.

And this brings up a point i feel is necessary to make. Ask any political scientist and he/she will tell you that a nation is nothing more (and nothing less) than a group of people, generally who share something in common. A state is an area governed by a political system, thus governing those within it.

That said, now for my point that i think just about every american on this board will agree with.
When you say "America" is a bunch of murders, bombing, war-mongering, ignorant assholes or whatever. You're trashing the people of this NATION which I cannot tolerate. We are a group of people with something in common, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness in mind. That's what this nation is and i'll defend it 'till my death. You want to say "the American government" is a bunch of mudering etc..., and i'll agree with you. I will trash this STATE until i'm blue in the face. I disagree with 90% of every foreign policy decision this government has made, i'll question every "national security" law the NSA attempts, and i fucking hate george "dubya" bush with a passion, he's a fucking idiot. But that's totally different from bashing "America" as a whole because when u do that, you trash the citizens, the NATION that we are, and it is this nation that i love.
Generally, the people here are good people, sure there are murders and rascists and fucking idiots, but your nation has them too, so you're no better. The terrorists attacked more than just our state, they attacked our nation, they killed thousands of good innocent people. Yeah, i wanted blood, yeah, i wanted revenge, and yeah, i think our government went too far. I wanted Al-Queda dead and buried, the lives of those murdered avenged, but i didn't want slaying of innocents and an "axis of evil" or anything like that. It's bullshit, and most would agree i think, so if u want to crap on our STATE, our government, go ahead, i'll squat next to ya. But do NOT trash our NATION, because i guarantee yours is no better.

and there's my really long 2 cents
Originally posted by QuothTheRaven
And this brings up a point i feel is necessary to make. Ask any political scientist and he/she will tell you that a nation is nothing more (and nothing less) than a group of people, generally who share something in common. A state is an area governed by a political system, thus governing those within it.

That said, now for my point that i think just about every american on this board will agree with.
When you say "America" is a bunch of murders, bombing, war-mongering, ignorant assholes or whatever. You're trashing the people of this NATION which I cannot tolerate. We are a group of people with something in common, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness in mind. That's what this nation is and i'll defend it 'till my death. You want to say "the American government" is a bunch of mudering etc..., and i'll agree with you. I will trash this STATE until i'm blue in the face. I disagree with 90% of every foreign policy decision this government has made, i'll question every "national security" law the NSA attempts, and i fucking hate george "dubya" bush with a passion, he's a fucking idiot. But that's totally different from bashing "America" as a whole because when u do that, you trash the citizens, the NATION that we are, and it is this nation that i love.
Generally, the people here are good people, sure there are murders and rascists and fucking idiots, but your nation has them too, so you're no better. The terrorists attacked more than just our state, they attacked our nation, they killed thousands of good innocent people. Yeah, i wanted blood, yeah, i wanted revenge, and yeah, i think our government went too far. I wanted Al-Queda dead and buried, the lives of those murdered avenged, but i didn't want slaying of innocents and an "axis of evil" or anything like that. It's bullshit, and most would agree i think, so if u want to crap on our STATE, our government, go ahead, i'll squat next to ya. But do NOT trash our NATION, because i guarantee yours is no better.

and there's my really long 2 cents
If i said something against the american people i'm sorry i didn't meant too! I was always refering to the american goverment that is a shitload. But some on this board said that they didn't care about those innocent's who were killed by the american's bombing.It's my fault i was misunterstood. I agree with ya. You fuckin' rule!!!!!!!!!! Cheers! :grin:
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
Freedom of speech? Ha. No such thing. It just doesn't happen. There's going to be a consequence if I stand somewhere and scream "Fuck you all!" Even if it's my honest feeling. We're still censored and scrutinized for everything we're worth.
if we truly had mass censorship here in the US this board might be one of the first things to go :lol: ...wait a minute...the thought police just pulled up in front of my house:spin:
im from sweden, so i'm hell as not taking any sides.....

But I have one question.....
What is it you have done to make the afgani(al quada) and all the other countrys hate you so damn much?

ive said what ive said... but i dont want to start over this argument......:grin: