Boy, Greece sounds so open & free!

those who want to do sarcasm should better be able to do self-sarcasm would have been a joke if you were making fun of the U.S. as well...and i havent seen you doing that much lately.
Americans (like me) = know their country has some pretty stupid ethics and what not. Makes fun of their own country and it's government quite often. Not ashamed to admit our faults, but also very aware that we are the most dominant country in the world

Citizens of most other countries = In denial of their countries own faults. Dealt with by poking fun at Americans because they are jealous.
While I think that the United States is far from perfect, it is THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE IN THE WORLD. If Greece, or most any country fell off the face of the earth tomorrow, it would hardly affect us at all. On the other hand, if the U.S. fell off the earth tomorrow, half of the fucking world would starve because we give handouts to so many countries. It's a fact. Face it. Every time any country in the world gets themselves into trouble, who do they ask to bail tem out? The United States Of America! How much did Greece do for us after the 9/11 tragedy? Fuck your attitude! I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of my country getting blamed for all of the problems in the world, when we are the most productive, cleanest, civilized society that has ever existed.

I said it before and I'll say it again...
Compared to the United States, Greece is a third world shithole.
And you don't even fucking live here, so you have no idea. I don't know why I even got into this topic. You people get offended so easily, it's ridiculous.

I dont get why other countries hate the US so much, if they were in the same position (being the richest country in the world) they would be doing the same kind of shit
Originally posted by MetalGod71
How much did Greece do for us after the 9/11 tragedy?

Well what the fuck do you expect Greece (or any other country like Greece for that matter) to do for you? You yourself called Greece a "third world shithole". So what is that you wanted for 9/11? Money? As if you don't have enough already.

Originally posted by MetalGod71
half of the fucking world would starve because we give handouts to so many countries.

Right on dude... Keep believing the shit CNN's feeding you.

You've bombed Yugoslavian people with no reason you 've bombed people from iraq with no reason, you've bombed afghanistan people with no reason, you've bombed japan with no reason. You 've bombed the whole fucking world wit no reason!
And i'm not talking about the bastard politicians like Sadam or Milosevic or bastards terrorists like Laden. I,m talking about inoccent people Fucker! WTF youb are the world police and you bomb anyone who doesn't go with you? Fucking cunts are the politicians!
"when we are the most productive, cleanest, civilized society that has ever existed"

unbelievable...nothing more to say than that...I just the black people, chinese people, and all the minorities there, and the millions who are without a job in the US believe that too...not to mention criminality, "death" taxes, the insane justice system, the great income differences, people who starve, the corruption...damn where do u live???
Yugoslavia: trying to stop genocide.
Afghanistan: we were attacked first.
Japan: let's see: Pearl Harbor? duh. next thing you'll be saying we were mean bullies for getting rid of hitler.

Yugoslavia : Uranium and oil of Kaukasos
Afganistan : Oil again
Iraq : oil again
now the question is ?
why r u the richest country?? Because u bomb other to take it from them...
You dumb bastard. While I'm not in agreement with us bombing Yugoslavia, tell me how in the hell us bombing Japan, Afganistan and Iraq was without reason.

1.) Japan.
Did you ever hear of a little incident called 'Pearl Harbor'? Gee, maybe that had a little something to do with us nuking the shit out of them. It was actually the most humane thing we could have done, since a continuation of a conventional war would have resulted in even greater casualties on both sides.

2.) Afganistan.
Are you fucking kidding me? Did you happen to watch TV last September? Yeah, some civilians were killed, but it was nothing compared to flying civilian aircraft into our buildings. We were even 'compassionate' enough to drop loads of food down to the starving people of Afganistan, which was a stupid move I believe. We're at fucking war!

3.) Iraq.
Now this asshole has actually used chemical weapons on his own people, and you're going to try to defend him? He bullied his way into Kuwait and then got bitchslapped when we got involved. This next time around we will finish the job, trust me!

I am in agreement with you about the United States being the worlds 'policeman'. I think we do FAR too much of that shit, especially considering how other countries stab us in the back when they have an opportunity. I think we should mind our own business and let the 'third world shitholes' fight it out amongst themselves. The problem we have here in our country is the fucking bleeding heart liberals who have this whole 'We Are The World' attitude, and think that if we're nicer to other countries they will be our friends. They think we should get involved in everything and basically "save them from themselves". The REAL world doesn't work that way.