Boycott the Osbournes


Oct 17, 2004
Dear Maiden and Metal fans all over the world,
After what happened on the last Maiden show in California, I came to a conclusion that these violent acts by the Osbournes MUST stop. This is disrespect to all metal fans all over the world and a great disrespect to one of the hardest working and fan involved bands in the world, Iron Maiden. Mrs. Osbourne has no right to treat fans that go to these overpriced shows like that anymore. The only reason that I had tickets to Ozzfest was to see Maiden and that is the end of the story. No disrespect to Mr. Ozzy Osbourne but the last 10 times that I have seen Sabbath of Ozzy it looks like it is the same show and the same 10 songs. Anyways, to make a long story short, I would like to see all true metal fans start a worldwide boycott of anything that Mrs. Sharon Osbourne is involved in. That means all the bands that she manages, and obviously the following Ozzfest tour of 2006. How dare she start an organization to throw eggs at Bruce Dickinson and cut off the PA during Maiden's set? It is time to put a stop to this and make heavy metal what it once was, not what Mrs. Sharon Osbourne wants it to be. Please forward this to your friends to show them what real metal fans are capable of. I would also post this on other sites as well so the metal world would join hands and put a stop into this.
I thank you all in advance for reading this.
I dont mind boycotting Sharon..

But if a band really like comes to Ozzfest next year and I find worth it paying to see them, you can be damn sure I will.
Dolamite S. Biffle said:
I 100% percent agree, but can we get a list of the bands that she does manage?
Why would you punish a band, that had nothing to do with the ozzfest incident, just because she manages them? If you want to boycott Sharon and the rest of her white trash family, I'm all for it, but to punish an innocent third party, nah.
I guess the whisper does have a point, but I just dont want to give her any more money. But I dont mind giving ozzy money, but his money is her money. Damn you Sharon tearing me in half like this.
The sad part of it all is that Sharon believes she is some sort of American hero, by justifying her actions with silly irrelevant accusations of Bruce. The whole "british flag" bullshit is part of the gimmick to The Trooper, the song being performed, with Bruce in costume and all. That fucking cunt isn't even from this country. I still can't believe this happened. This is the perfect example of Ozzfest's "dedication to metal," by attempting to humiliate one of the most influential and strongest figures in all of metal. Iron Maiden is the reason most people went to that damn festival (myself included), NOT to see Ozzy struggle to the same set as every year. Iron Maiden is the reason most of the better (using term loosely) bands signed on to the festival this year. Those same musicians who are very vocal in letting it be known Ozzy and everything related to him has become rediculously irrelevent to the metal community, as well as the show that carries his name. Only in fucking America can this happen. Back to square one. On a lighter note, we are about 3 weeks away from THE true metal festival, haha. Up the fucking Irons!
totally Glenn-Fest 2006!! It would be cool if Glenn it get just a couple of of PP bands to do a nation wide tour <ahem> come to kansas<ahem> because I always get skipped. Strato/Into Eternity not within 8 hours and the Hammerfall/Edguy same, Therion I wish, and Jon Oliva's Pain once again. Damn you Chicago why do you have to be 8 hours away!! And Damn you kansas for having the shittiest metal scene ever!!!
I can agree that this was uncalled for and totally unprofessional especially coming from someone who's got a lot to lose, Sharon. I'd put money on that most Sabbath/Ozzy fans are ALSO Maiden fans.

Maiden does need to be a little "more for the fans" though. They haven't played a show in Florida since the Somewhere In Time tour if I'm not mistaken. Florida's good enough for Ozfest & Priest, but not good enough for Maiden? Please.
Dr.Caligari said:
Mrs. Osbourne has no right to treat fans that go to these overpriced shows like that anymore.

That to me is the real issue here.

Don't get me wrong, Iron Maiden is my favorite band of all time. I think the whole "Bruce is a prick" thing is probably overblown, but even if he is the biggest jerk on the planet, this could have been handled professionally offstage. The end result was not that it just disgraced one of the most storied bands in metal, but it screwed the fans who wanted to see them.
I agree with you 110%. I never liked Sharon or Ozzy to tell you the truth. That is why I felt it was bull shit that a band as good as Iron Maiden was on the bill this year. I never supported Ozzfest.

Sorry, just my opinion.

Keep Rockin'!
Regardless of whether or not that's true, Bruce Dickenson's ranting didn't ruin the Iron Maiden show for the Maiden fans, what did was Sharon's disrupting their performance by egging them (the WHOLE band, not just Bruce), and turning off their PA power, which she admits to. You just fucking don't do shit like that when you're doing a show for a bunch of people who payed $100+ to be there.
Its called respect. Dont disrespect anyone if you dont want to get it right back.

Two wrongs dont make it right but it works both ways.

Barking Pumpkin said:
Regardless of whether or not that's true, Bruce Dickenson's ranting didn't ruin the Iron Maiden show for the Maiden fans, what did was Sharon's disrupting their performance by egging them (the WHOLE band, not just Bruce), and turning off their PA power, which she admits to. You just fucking don't do shit like that when you're doing a show for a bunch of people who payed $100+ to be there.
General Zod said:
What's there to boycott? There hasn't been an Ozzy CD worth owning since "No Rest for the Wicked", reality TV sucks ass, and Ozzfest has blown since its inception.


Exactly right.