Boys allegedly grill puppy to death

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
Boys killed dog on barbecue grill, police charge [font=arial,helvetica][size=-2]By KELLI HEWETT TAYLOR
Staff Writer

Youths, 11 and 14, were 'just doing it' to do it, officer says

Two boys have been charged with animal cruelty in the burning death of a puppy on a gas grill in Springfield.

Names of the Robertson County youths, ages 11 and 14, have not been released by Springfield police. Other boys are being investigated in connection with the case, which occurred July 24 near an unoccupied building on Carden Circle, investigators said.

No motive has been revealed.

''They were just doing it'' to do it, said Lt. William Watkins, a spokesman for the Springfield Police Department.

The young suspects told police that a man gave them the puppy, but authorities have not found the man or any other owner.

A neighborhood boy saw the incident and ran to neighbors to get help, Watkins said.

''When officers arrived, the dog had jumped off the grill and was on the ground, barely breathing,'' Williams said. The puppy died soon after officers arrived.

The boys will appear in Juvenile Court, but a date could not be confirmed at press time.


Poor doggy! :cry:
Perhaps we should roast those boys just for the hell of it...wait!
I know, we could hang them upside down by one leg and shoot them with arrows all the while we hang weights from their scrotums and laugh. I know I would get a kick out of it.
damn if i walked up on something like that happening there would be hell to pay, right there and then. i would have taken each of the boys and held their arms down on the grill, asked them how they liked it, maybe poured some BBQ sauce on them while i was at it. animal cruelty, is just something i CANNOT tolerate.
These 2 kids are part of the herd that need to be culled. Send them to a correctional facility for 10 yrs...So they can never feel the touch of a woman during their prime. That would be a proper atonement as they would feel so inadequate after their release that they'de move into their aging mother's basement and live a pixelated life of video game warfare as hermitism eats them from within.
Hmmmm...that has style, but I'm in favor of simple and effective castration. Those who practice cruelty for its own sake would make shitty parents anyway.

Scum of the fucking earth, folks. Scum of the fucking earth. You all know I'm a generally wussy, liberal, bleeding-heart kind of person, but I'd bludgeon those fucks with a baseball bat with no remorse whatsover.
Not that I agree with what these boys did, quite the opposite in fact. But every reply to this topic has been self righteous, self indulgent tripe. Way to make yourselfs feel better with your indignation. I think every reply deserves a big "no duh". [/assholemode]
Pyrus said:
Hmmmm...that has style, but I'm in favor of simple and effective castration. Those who practice cruelty for its own sake would make shitty parents anyway.

Scum of the fucking earth, folks. Scum of the fucking earth. You all know I'm a generally wussy, liberal, bleeding-heart kind of person, but I'd bludgeon those fucks with a baseball bat with no remorse whatsover.
The irony is delicious.
Pyrus said:
Scum of the fucking earth, folks. Scum of the fucking earth. You all know I'm a generally wussy, liberal, bleeding-heart kind of person, but I'd bludgeon those fucks with a baseball bat with no remorse whatsover.

Don't make me laugh pussy. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Pyrus said:
Originally Posted by satanicnugs

I fixed it for you.
LMFAO! :lol: (secretly suspects a similar feeling towards me):D

I think you missed the irony, it is subtle, but it is there. It is a sort of general kind of irony.:D

[edit: too many fucking comma's]
Aww.... that's terrible. I really can't think of any reason why anyone would do that. People who engage in senseless acts of violence towards innocent victims are really the lowest of the low. :cry:
NoLordy Capone said:
Boys killed dog on barbecue grill, police charge [font=arial,helvetica][size=-2]By KELLI HEWETT TAYLOR
Staff Writer

Youths, 11 and 14, were 'just doing it' to do it, officer says

Two boys have been charged with animal cruelty in the burning death of a puppy on a gas grill in Springfield.

Names of the Robertson County youths, ages 11 and 14, have not been released by Springfield police. Other boys are being investigated in connection with the case, which occurred July 24 near an unoccupied building on Carden Circle, investigators said.

No motive has been revealed.

''They were just doing it'' to do it, said Lt. William Watkins, a spokesman for the Springfield Police Department.

The young suspects told police that a man gave them the puppy, but authorities have not found the man or any other owner.

A neighborhood boy saw the incident and ran to neighbors to get help, Watkins said.

''When officers arrived, the dog had jumped off the grill and was on the ground, barely breathing,'' Williams said. The puppy died soon after officers arrived.

The boys will appear in Juvenile Court, but a date could not be confirmed at press time.


Poor doggy! :cry:

That sorta makes me wish I was in a dark alley armed with a handgun with those boys. They probably wouldn't leave alive. Dogs who only want to love don't deserve anything less than love in return.

I say kill the two boys and heavily tax the parents for the rest of their lives.
why tax the parent for something the child did? especially when the kids did it just to do it. I know I've done things that my parents do not know about and if they found out they would have whooped my ass for. At eleven and fourteen they should be responsible enough to know not to burn an animal alive, but just to do it for the hell of it shows that they didn't care about life. personally I think they should be made examples of... take them to an actual prison, Let the big boys have their fun.
"Doing it just to do it" ... what the hell? Did they want to see if the dog would survive or not? At the ages of 11 and 14, you know that if something has skin, it'll burn on a grill. Fucking destructive little bastards. How about someone throws the 2 of them on a gas grill "just to do it"?
at 11 and 14 we cant really know if they are indeed unfeeling animal tortuting psychopaths, or if they are young idiots who need to be taught what they did. now i suspect the 14 year old has some problems and the 11 year old was kinda just along for the ride. either way its wrong, but death by bludgeoning is a little far.