Boys allegedly grill puppy to death

Humans, including some children, are so disgusting.

This will bother me for days.
fucking sick excuses for human beings. Bleh, from a previous thread, i'm sure most of you know how I feel about animal cruelty. I hope they are tried as adults...People willing to do something so evil to innocent creatures should just drop dead where they stand, literally.

Tee.....I think we have some more Egyptian torture to do.

Hmm.....lets wrap them in wet rawhide and leave them out in the sun for a few days.

I can only wish the worst for them
This really makes me sick
I'm sure the parents will find a way to tie this all to jackass or heavy metal, meanwhile i hope these kids are being dealt with in a serious fucking way.(no slap on the wrist, see a shrink bullshit)
Boys first tried to drown puppy they burned, police say

Staff Writer

Oldest charged in theft, cutting of a dog earlier

SPRINGFIELD — Two boys accused of fatally roasting a puppy on a barbecue grill first tried to drown the pet, but it survived, police say.

Afterward, the boys, ages 14 and 11, put the puppy on an old gas grill and set it on fire using charcoal, according to police reports.

The burning happened behind a boarded-up home on Carden Circle, part of Springfield's public housing facilities, on July 24.

Neighbor Dregis Freeman, 10, came along, saw the burning under way and tried to help the puppy before it died. He said the other boys said they wanted to see what it tasted like.

''I saw them burning the dog,'' said Dregis, whose nickname is ''Li'l Dee.''

''I saw it, and I saw smoke. I went running back to tell. I was thinking it was mean.''

In other developments, the 14-year-old is charged with stealing and cutting another dog just a few days earlier. Two other boys, ages 10 and 13, also are charged in that case. None had been in trouble with Springfield Police before now.

The boys are believed to be two brothers, a cousin and a friend. Their names have not been released by police, citing their status as minors.

Also, the father of one boy was arrested yesterday and charged with aggravated assault on a neighbor in a fight related to the group of children.

While many adults are asking how any child could torture a puppy that way, they also are praising Dregis Freeman for trying to save the pet.

Dregis went to an adult neighbor's house asking for a bucket of water and a towel to nurse the burning dog. The neighbor called 911 and later confirmed to police that Dregis wasn't involved in the cruelty.

By the time Dregis and the neighbor returned, the puppy had crawled off the grill and made it a few feet away, barking and yelping. It died moments later.

Dregis' mother, Shontell Williams, said she found out about the incident from police, who showed up to question the boy and tell his mother what a good thing he had done.

''He just came in and fixed a sandwich,'' Williams said, shaking her head and smiling. ''He doesn't say much.''

Williams said she was afraid with the accused boys in the neighborhood, even though she hadn't let Dregis play with them in a while because they were causing trouble.

''If they hurt a puppy, what makes you think they won't hurt people?'' Williams asked.

The 14- and 11-year-old boys are facing animal cruelty charges and are scheduled to appear Nov. 18 in Robertson County Juvenile Court.

Lt. William Watkins, head of criminal investigations for Springfield police, said the 14-year-old and two additional boys had been charged in the separate animal cruelty case involving the dog cutting.

Investigators believe the 14-year-old and two youths, ages 13 and 10, broke into the Springfield Animal Shelter and stole a Shar-Pei a few days before the burning incident.

The Shar-Pei is recovering from cuts and trauma, authorities say, and is in the custody of a rescue group.

yeh. the 14 year old is obviously the ringleader, and needs to be dealt with seperately from the rest. hopefully the younger kids have/will learn something from this.
I'm not trolling. I'm being serious.

This crime wasn't that bad IMO. At least they were using an animal to get their excitement and not a human. Remember that although you like to think animals are the same as humans they're not and they do not have the samefeelings as us.

The bible even says that animals were put here for the benefit of humans.
Profanity said:
Puppys don't have the same feelings as humans.
...which you know from the first experience, as in your previous life (thing that actually doesn't exist and you know cuz you empirically investegated it) you were a cute little puppy that didn't hold anything against your owner that was using you for his sexual excitment... cuz you actually couldn't feel it... actually, you couldn't feel what exactly was wrong in the process... :( lovely little fluffy, goo-goo-ga-ga.... :)