Boys allegedly grill puppy to death

Profanity said:
I'm not trolling. I'm being serious.

This crime wasn't that bad IMO. At least they were using an animal to get their excitement and not a human. Remember that although you like to think animals are the same as humans they're not and they do not have the samefeelings as us.

The bible even says that animals were put here for the benefit of humans.

It doesn't matter what species you are. Pain is pain. You think that poor dog had fun being burned alive?

And the bible says a lot of things, like wearing blended fabrics is a sin, as is eating shellfish(Leviticus 11:10). You can also sell your daughter into slavery (Exodus 21:7), and purchase slaves, as long as they are from neighboring countries (Leviticus 25:44-- Canadians beware!). It is also a sin to cut the hair around your temples (Leviticus 19:27), and to touch the skin of a dead pig (Leviticus 11:6-8). Shall I go on?

In other words, the bible is full of shit. Don't use it to back you up in an argument.
kids do dumb shit cuase they are kids, they dont know any better half the time, and even when they do they dont have the type of devlopement adults do to stop themselves. I was a kid and have done cruel things to small woodland creatures. it was practically a part of growing up in the middle of nowhere (and easy access to guns).
i would never do that shit now, i dont even shoot guns anymore. these kids need to be scared for sure, but maybe prison is a bit harsh and even more damaging than helpful.
AjDeath said:
''If they hurt a puppy, what makes you think they won't hurt people?''

This sums up my feelings.

The thing is, a human can defend himself, a puppy can't. I'm not saying that hurting a human is better than hurting a puppy, it's just not the same thing at all. In my case, I could kill a human before killing a defenseless animal. Don't get me wrong, I would never kill someone unless my life is in grave danger. These 2 kids deserve severe measures against them, they will know that we can't mess with alive beings only for fun. They should have thought about their actions before. Now, it's too late.
AjDeath said:
Not that I agree with what these boys did, quite the opposite in fact. But every reply to this topic has been self righteous, self indulgent tripe. Way to make yourselfs feel better with your indignation. I think every reply deserves a big "no duh". [/assholemode]
/\ My opinoin still.

AsModEe said:
The thing is, a human can defend himself, a puppy can't. I'm not saying that hurting a human is better than hurting a puppy, it's just not the same thing at all. In my case, I could kill a human before killing a defenseless animal.
I know your point, more importantly, I understand your point. But, until there are no more slaves in Sudan, and no more debt slavery forcing people to work for nothing in Florida and other States, when young girls in eastern Europe and the Middle East stop getting kidnapped and forced to work and live in a brothel until their "debt is paid". Do not talk to me about fucking animal rights.

Good day.