Brainstorm 'clip' in Revolver Jan 07


Apr 20, 2004
Always Somewhere!
Shocked that Power Metal actually made a small appearance in the Revolver Mag. issue Jan 2007. Wonderfuly surprised to see BRAINSTORM mentioned!!! I even shouted a lil' whoo hoo! right on! when I saw that pic of Andy:rock:
Page 84-85 The Revolver Record Collection- Power Metal

"Brainstorm Soul Temptation- Brainstorm lead a sub-pack of power purveyors (such as Falconer,Edguy and Masterplan) that reach for a slightly more mature aesthetic, injecting their proggy arrangements with just enough irony and self-awareness so no one takes it too seriously. As a result, the action packed Soul Tempation sounds engagingly casual and almost humorous. "

I'm on the fence on the 'review' that Martin Popoff states above. "so no one takes it too seriously........casual and almost humorous" I'm stoked to see Brainstorm mentioned and hope new fans will seek them out and decide for themselves that BRAINSTORM KICKS YOUR ASS!!!! :rock:
Good to see Brainstorm getting a little recognition, they've been one of my favorite bands for a few years now.
That's certainly great that they're mentioned! But I would strongly disagree with the not-serious comments and even the comparisons to the mentioned bands. I dislike the typical "happy metal" euro sound that those bands have and I adore Brainstorm because their style has been influenced more by old school US metal :rock: