Am I the only one who can't get into any other Brainstorm album but Ambiguity? It's funny because that album has such incredible songs and the rest of their albums are so mediocre by comparison.

I would actually consider getting this DVD if Brainstorm agreed with my assessment of their music and added a few more Ambiguity songs to the setlist.

The Michael
So, how long before we'll be able to reconstruct an entire Progpower from various DVDs?:)

Wuthering Heights released their Progpower performance, now Brainstorm. I guess we'll never get all of PPV since WMD didn't get recorded. Hopefully Edguy will release there's. They were a riot that night.
The cover art is amusing

Am I the only one who can't get into any other Brainstorm album but Ambiguity? It's funny because that album has such incredible songs and the rest of their albums are so mediocre by comparison.

I would actually consider getting this DVD if Brainstorm agreed with my assessment of their music and added a few more Ambiguity songs to the setlist.

The Michael

Yes, apparantly you are! If you witnessed their PP set, you should have been assimilated, IF you are as true as you seem to project yourself as! :heh:


Can't wait for this DVD. Will purchase the import if there is no US regional/NTSC release. GOTTA have thi! :rock:
Am I the only one who can't get into any other Brainstorm album but Ambiguity? It's funny because that album has such incredible songs and the rest of their albums are so mediocre by comparison.

I would actually consider getting this DVD if Brainstorm agreed with my assessment of their music and added a few more Ambiguity songs to the setlist.

The Michael

Have to seriously disagree here - I love Soul Temptation and Liquid Monster! I can't wait to get this DVD.:rock: