Brave Murder Day


New Metal Member
Oct 8, 2008
I don't even know if Katatonia ever made a t-shirt for the BMD album, but if they did, I can't find it anywhere. Anyone have any idea if it's possible to get an original BMD t-shirt somewhere? Or if it exist at all?

Signed Xychmic, feeling noobish
I've been looking for a BMD shirt for awhile now...with no luck. Your best bet is finding the Brave Yesteryears shirt, those were in print recently.
They made a number of them, most are pretty old and near impossible to find. The more recent ones are nice too, I managed to snag one before they sold out. I wish they made them in smaller sizes though, they only came in L and XL.
Here's an XL one on ebay
I'd buy it if it were a smaller size.

Wow. Just too see a pic of it. oO
Problem is that I will be without internet for maybe months from now, because I'm moving this saturday. So no t-shirt in a long time, internet is the only way to find one I guess. It's a liiiiiittle bit big for me maybe, haha, but I would have boght it anyway if I had money at the moment :p