Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay

Havukruunu-Kelle Surut Soi VS Inquisition Obscure Verses for the Multiverse


Dordeduh-Dar De Duh VS Ludicra-The Tenant


Deathspell Omega-The Furnaces of Palingenesia vs Vaura-Selenelion

Ruins of Beverast- Exuvia VS Gris-A L'Âme Enflammée, L'Âme Constellée...

Macabre Omen- Gods of War- At War vs Zebulon Pike- Nostalgia for the Unreal

Spectral Lore- III Vs Tribulation-Children of the Night

Eternal Champion-The Armor of Ire VS Leprous-Bilateral

Cultes des Ghoules-Henbane VS Burzum-Belus


Nokturnal Mortum-Verity Vs Ultra Silvam - The Spearwound Salvation

Vektor-Outer Isolation Vs Hallas-Excerpts From A Future Past

Acid Witch - Evil Sound Screamers VS Between the Buried and Me-The Parallax II

Tie Breaking Triple Threat Match
Blood Incantation-Starspawn VS Sabbat-Sabbatrinity Vs Thy Darkened Shade-
Liber Lvcifer I

Ofermod-Thaumiel Vs Vemod-Venter pa stormene

Obsequiae-Aria of Vernal Tombs Vs Summoning-Old Mornings Dawn

Taake-Noregs Vaapen Vs Panegyrist-Hierurgy

Dead Congregation-Promulgation of the Fall Vs Kayo Dot-Hubardo

Lets let this run for a good two weeks. Should be ample enough time for everyone with interest to listen to each album once more.

@DarkGift @Henrik Main @einride @Krilons Resa @Ellestin @Hell Mike @Ars Magna @cthulufhtagn
@JayKeeley @dorian gray @spikes77 @Opeth17 @swizzlenuts @Doom @J. @NAD @Mormagil
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Ken, im going to make a very compelling argument to expand this to 128 if youre in fear that these offerings wont see the light of day.

Last night I spent a good portion of my work shift (I legit do fuck all, thanks RC for making my night go by) compiling potential nominees for an expansion. We could take a few weeks off inbetween brackets to rest from this exercise. Even if Erik is right and theres not 128 albums worth a shit, watching the likes of he and Ellestin rip into these acts is worth the price of admission.

Anyhow, I got atleast 40 albums (with the help of some of yous jews and other semi reliable resources to pitch in a nominees part deux thread)
Okay, make the argument. I'm down. I definitely have more to bring to the table but I think 128 is a bit much.

There's a definite 3 that I'd like to nominate but I can easily come up with more.
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We need more weird shit, not less.

I like this. How bout instead of 64 more good albums, we reco stuff that would be challenging and atypical of the stuff we would usually listen to? We each listen to all of them, slam and shit on em, and vote?
Some bulletin points, cant be arsed to ramble.

Everyone here can pitch atleast half a dozen more. There's plenty of ammo left in the armory. Why keep it to 64 and go back to 2020 RC where we just smack are gums and whistle while rocking on a porch? What else do we have to talk about? Forced music listening is a great exercise, its why we all joined this forum to begin with.

A sample of my next 5 off the top of my head.
Nocternity-Harps of the Ancient Temples
Wampyrinacht, We Will Be Watching

These albums definitely belong competing in this tourney. So these pobrecitos get cast to the pyre out of sure laziness of the forum to go balls deep in this exercise? I get fear of burn out. We all want to listen to our own shit as well, only so many hours in the day, yadda yadda. I propose we have breaks inbetween brackets to let everything fester and decompress from the tourney. Break could be up to month. Plenty of time to relax.

In addition multiple members didnt pitch nominations. We can ensure Bloopy, Cig, Neurotica, et al get their faves in (if they want to participate in full).
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I like this. How bout instead of 64 more good albums, we reco stuff that would be challenging and atypical of the stuff we would usually listen to? We each listen to all of them, slam and shit on em, and vote?

Sounds like a mini tourney unto itself. Ken will win, I got nothing but metal and OMC "How Bizarre" to offer.
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Okay not that I've ever understood the whole "vinyl playthrough YooToob" thing, but the Arch / Matheos album skips. Several times. And Metal Blade left it up anyway.

So authentic and warm!
39:00 to 39:30 it skips a few times. I mean I'm sure those dudes can play 23/16 all day long but when it happened the second time I said lol.