
I guess it's safe to say that no one responing in this post is from the USA. The vast majority of us Americans would rather watch paint dry than watch a soccer game, myself included. I've tried to watch before, but I just don't get it. I watched part of the US game where they lost 1-0 to Germany, and fell asleep. Some people said it was a good game. A GOOD GAME!? An hour and a half with one score and that's a good game?!
Anyways, congatulations to you Brazilians on your victory. I just don't think you will ever get more that a very small number of Americans interested in soccer.
I know the rest of the world will also disagree with us Americans. I saw picture of people who were greif sticken and crying when there team lost. Come on, it's only a GAME.
I do agree that Germany relied on Kahn too much, that was one of their biggest flaws... and Brazil played on that (even if the first goal WAS bullshit... on their approach there was way too many uncalled fouls). Germany played very well in my opinion and to me were much more interesting to watch than Brazil... it seems that if Brazil didn't have Ronaldo and Germany had Ballack, things could have turned out very differently in the end.
yeah, thank you, moonlapse. that was a real surprise to us. i never knew we could play so good. after all, we got beat only two times and that was to the cup winner, brazil.

anyways, brazil deserved it. they play some kick-ass football.
Yeah. I still think that as a team Germany played the best. The way they had their tactics set out and how they could play passively so well was really great for me to watch... but it's a shame they never worked on their defending line.. Kahn too way too much punishment. They're not a big team of 'hero' individual players but they really know how to play together.
The Brazilian onslaught of attacks lead to 2 goals. [/QUO
Hey guys...I think you're overdoing it. Did you see the game at all?? Germany controlled the first 20 minutes of both halves and played really good soccer. As I've said earlier; the difference is that all of Brazil's forwards are damn good goal scorers and Germany have like two good goalscorers.

anyway..congratulations brazil!

(I'm with you Moonlapse!)
no probs... it's nice to see a person that's on my side about the game though, it almost seems like the whole world were going for Brazil to win... and I suppose that was the 'expected' outcome... I really thought Germany could do it and add a nice twist to the cup... evidently not though.
yeah...but I'm still proud over their efforts. Germany played really good during periods against Brazil and If Ballack would have played they would probably have played even better.

But he is a real teamplayer and took that second yellow-card in the game against the home nation..
I'm glad Brazil won, their games are variegated and colourful, they also have some genuine moves and unexpected goals.
Germany is well balanced, yet their matches tend to be very boring sometimes, because of their repeating well planned techniques manner... I mean, their way of playing is kinda expected.
But This final was very good indeed, very interesting, both teams played well and were very enthraled. a very good match indeed.
Brazil played beautifuly among the finals, that's why I believe she earned the cup.
WTG BRAZIL!!! thumbs up!! :)

i dont think anyone had ANY chance at all against brazil.

hmm....I've seen every game this world cup and I think you're wrong. Okey,,,they won all the games, but they didn't play all that good all the time.
The game against Belgium is a good example. Brazil played really bad and Belgium had a couple of times when they hit the post/bar. But Brazil won with a great deal of luck.(everyone needs luck every once in a while)

still they won it all and they are the best individual team...but don't get carried away here.

Germany is my TEAM:p