Brock Lesnar, wwweeeee


Cannibal Britney vocalist
May 6, 2002
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I don't know if any of you guys are WWE fans but heres a nice little .gif I got from a wrestling forum and posted it over at the Cannibal Britney/Knights of Tethys forum.

Ok, I need to ask this - Me posting the gif above isn't a problem is it? I posted it on another forum earlier and I just checked the reply a little bit ago. I was getting shit for it. This one guy was complaining because even though he's not on a dial-up, some people are. Well hell, so am I and I don't have problems with it. He then goes on to tell me "think before you post". WTF? I was only trying to show people something cool yah know? I was very offended by his post. I'm always nice to people on that forum and I only have 15 post. Anyways, I just wanna know if you guys have a problem with it.
awesome gif! :D
I'm not into this wrestling thing. I saw some fights from "The Ultimate Fighting Championship" and my was brutal!
That is one hell of a sport :D
Broken noses and bones and shit..BRUTAL I say
The Ultimate Fighting Championship is cool, but sometimes it gets boring, just like wrestling. I don't like the grappler vs. grappler matches, UFC sometimes has. Seeing a guy giving another guy a headlock for 20 minutes just puts me to sleep. I want to see people flying all over the ring like an idiot, haha.

As for the Undertaker, yah he's still in the company formely known as the WWF. He's no longer the dead man from, Death Valley. Now he's the Limp Bizkit and Kid Rock loving biker from Texas. YICK. He uses a lot of backstage politics too, to get what he wants, like Triple H, heh, but I won't get into it because then I'll start bitching and that would be very bad, haha.

Anyways, I just wanted to show you guys the gif because that dude, Brock Lesnar, doing the shooting star press (the flippy thing) is 6'5 and 295 pound. It's a shame the WWE won't let him do it. That gif is from when he was in the OVW.
I occasionally watch wrestling on sky! I know that DragonMaiden has a thing for Edge but that's ok cause I have a thing for Lita, Trish Stratus, Molly and most of the other wrestling girls. Also Chris Jericho's band Fozzy are worth checking out. They're mainly just a cover band who sound very 80s like but that's ok with me. They do a reasonable version of Accept's Balls To The Wall too.