Bros with Long Hair - A question for you...

lol@stereotypical metal dudes.

Well, as Jarrko pointed out, we're brought together primarily for our love for metal and audio. Of course there are commonalities which we all share. And as for the hair, it's something which many find a trademark for metal, part of the subculture I guess. There's a level of conformity but its so trivial in its superficiality, its all in good fun. Its one thing becoming a clone just to fit in, and its another finding something you like which is similar to other people because it has some relation to the main subject of interest; in this case metal. Being actively "anti-stereotype" is falling in a stereotype yourself. It's quite a conundrum. Certain things define subcultures and interest groups, of course; its when you force yourself into one simply for all the superficial reasons when one's legitimacy becomes questionable. Being part of a community with common characteristics and tastes is pretty normal, there are obviously limits and as long as one maintains his/her individuality, I don't see any problem with it. :headbang:

Haha, nice pics
Originally Posted by _Brutalism_ View Post
Are Finnish names really that hard to type?

Haha, woops! Sorry about that, I could have sworn I read it and wrote it correctly.

Ye, good pics Anssi, you have balls man; or maybe I take myself too seriously :p Nice hair nonetheless.
Are Finnish names really that hard to type? :loco:

My dad's old surname was "Anttila".. he always got letters addressed to "Antilla", "Antila" or "Anttilla".
Then he switched his surname to "Heinänen", and we started getting letters addressed to "Heninnen", "Heininen", "Heininin" and even "Heinonen".. its insane! :lol:

Its one thing if you have a Russian surname like "Cztrýprtâ" or something, but how hard is it to spell "Anttila"?!
Well, as Jarrko pointed out, we're brought together primarily for our love for metal and audio. Of course there are commonalities which we all share. And as for the hair, it's something which many find a trademark for metal, part of the subculture I guess. There's a level of conformity but its so trivial in its superficiality, its all in good fun. Its one thing becoming a clone just to fit in, and its another finding something you like which is similar to other people because it has some relation to the main subject of interest; in this case metal. Being actively "anti-stereotype" is falling in a stereotype yourself. It's quite a conundrum. Certain things define subcultures and interest groups, of course; its when you force yourself into one simply for all the superficial reasons when one's legitimacy becomes questionable. Being part of a community with common characteristics and tastes is pretty normal, there are obviously limits and as long as one maintains his/her individuality, I don't see any problem with it. :headbang:

Haha, nice pics

O no problem at all. I just wanted to point it out. Coming from someone with sort hair, I thought it was worth a little laugh, but by no means am I trying to insult anyone on here. :)