Bruce - solo material


Master Exploder
I have been listening to Bruce all morning, and am remembering why I used to love particularly AoB and TCW so much. They are f'in awesome, and so damn heavy! I was just listening to the song 'Freak' and it is so much heavier than I remembered it. Awesome shit.
Also, 'Broken' and 'Silver Wings' are great! I so can't wait for new Bruce material. I await it more eagerly than new Maiden! :eek:

Bruce!! :rock:
I still don't have the Best Of yet. Shall have to add that to the list (there isn't an actual list, it's just a figure of speech).
I don't have the 'Best Of' either. But I have Chemical Wedding, Accident Of Birth, Skunkworks and Balls To Piccaso.. so I don't really see the point of getting a greatest hit's package.

(That being said, for some stupid reason I own Best Of The Beast 2cd, Ed-Hunter, Maiden Japan, Live After Death, Live At Donnington, A Real Live One, A Real Dead One, A Real Live Dead One and Rock In Rio.. :cry: )
The unreleased stuff is AWESOME!

Darkness be my friend!
The Wickerman!
Acoustic song!
Real World!

Originally posted by Sydo
I don't have the 'Best Of' either. But I have Chemical Wedding, Accident Of Birth, Skunkworks and Balls To Piccaso.. so I don't really see the point of getting a greatest hit's package.

(That being said, for some stupid reason I own Best Of The Beast 2cd, Ed-Hunter, Maiden Japan, Live After Death, Live At Donnington, A Real Live One, A Real Dead One, A Real Live Dead One and Rock In Rio.. :cry: )

Silver Wings.

Even without the extra disk, Silver Wings is worth your money.
Silver Wings and Broken are very cool songs. But I'm not gonna shell out $15 each for them.
Originally posted by Spiff
Shall have to add that to the list (there isn't an actual list, it's just a figure of speech).
I have an actual list. Is getting rather long too. :lol:

Originally posted by Sydo
I don't have the 'Best Of' either. But I have Chemical Wedding, Accident Of Birth, Skunkworks and Balls To Piccaso.. so I don't really see the point of getting a greatest hit's package.

(That being said, for some stupid reason I own Best Of The Beast 2cd, Ed-Hunter, Maiden Japan, Live After Death, Live At Donnington, A Real Live One, A Real Dead One, A Real Live Dead One and Rock In Rio.. ) :cry:
Yes, but the Bruce Best Of is better than all those, except perhaps LAD and maybe RIR. The bonus disc is very cool if your a fan of that sort of stuff. I totally agree with you on the 'unreleased stuff is unreleased for a reason', but when its just as a bonus disc and not on an album I think its cool. Unreleased stuff is interesting to hear. :)